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Is iPhone 11 Pro compatible with 4G on Public Mobile?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I haven't been able to enable 4G after switching from a 3G plan.  Only 3G and LTE are options, same as before upgrade.  I have looked for solutions but have run out of ideas.

Thanks for any help!

I have

  • current iOs (17.4.1)
  • carrier setting is Public Mobile 58.0 (no update showing)
  • Under Cellular Data Options/Voice & Data only 3G and LTE options are showing
  • tried Reset Network Settings



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Just got notification that you mentioned me - and the reason is?

@ATHENS wrote:

The OP clearly mentioned that only 3G and LTE settings are available on their iPhone 11. 


May I know other than you and @El_Gato had the same mind thinking about 5G, where OP or myself talked about 5G? No one was asking if the phone was 5G compatible.  OP was only asking if the phone is 4G compatible with PM network as he sees only 3G and 4G option but cannot connect to 4G

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks all for your replies.  I had looked at a couple websites that clearly stated that 4G and LTE are not the same.  Looking further at the search results there are just as many that say it is the same thing. 

@ATHENS wrote:

On iPhone 11 there is no option to select 5G as there is the option on iPhone 12 and up. I’m therefore assuming that iPhones 11 and under are not 5G capable . 


i was never talking about 5G.  and OP was only asking 4G and LTE.  Neither of us mentioned 5G at all, I am surprise why you @El_Gato  mentioned that as well

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

As far as I know iPhone 11 are not compatible with 5G. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

My husband has an 11 and works well, select LTE.  You should get the appropriate speed.  

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

If your plan has data just di a speed test. If you're getting anywhere around 30Mb on the low end and a max of 150Mb your on 4g



yes, your iPhone will be able to connect to PM 4G network

and remember, LTE is 4G, so, choose LTE Under Cellular Data Options/Voice & Data 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

As far a I know lte is 4g

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