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In what order are data add-ons used?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just received a free 5 gb data add-on for loyalty (thank you!) but it expires in 150 days. I already have a few add-ons from before that I still haven't used. I was wondering if I used my data now, would it be spending the data I just received that will expire or will it continue using the non-perishable data that is older?




Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

From what I have noticed, data included in your plan should be used first, then add-ons will be used after that. The earlier data should be used before the newly awarded data if the system recognizes it in that order. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Clearly expiring data should be used before data that doesn't expire. Is the system programmed to do that, who knows. Hopefully someone can test and get the answer for us.


once regular plan data is consumed...the newest Loyalty Bonus data is supposed to get used next. If you use that up before regular plan renews...then the others will get consumed. We'll see if that actually happens.

Mayor / Maire

I would imagine that all previous add-ons would be used first. It uses the data from your plan first,  then previous data. Then finally,  the recently received one.

This is what it says, but not specific of 'which bonus' will be used first if you have more than one.


How is my bonus data used in relation to my plan’s data?

Your plan’s data is used first. Once that’s depleted, your bonus data kicks in.


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