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I need to understand the math

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


my son and I both have a provice-wide plan (we're in Ontario). We both have the add-on for LD or out-of-province. I added the add-on to his account right before leaving on our trip. While in Québec, he called me.



- my phone says the call lasted 27 seconds

- in his account online, it shows up as 30 seconds

- in my account online, it shows up as 36 seconds


I don't think it lasted that long, but regardless (the connection time is a circa 2007 discussion), the call was less than a minute. "When will you be here? - I'm on my way, OK, Bye.".


2 minutes were taken from his add-on; why?


Additional information: we were up on a hill overlooking a city (= excellent coverage).


If you 100% sure it wasnt connected, but still count your minutes.  Then its a bug so let public mobile know.   Sometimes there is a few second delay in the whole process of connecting and disconnect.   So it might trigger the minutes, however its worth looking into.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

kav2001c wrote: 

The 2 minutes means he made 2 calls would be my guess

Possibly 1 call did not connect or something

The second his call gets registered on the tower, even if call not answer or call fail, it starts counting

He only made one call.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I think Dan pretty much covered all the possibilities there.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hi @gmd,


If 2 minutes were deducted for that <1 min call, that seems to be a bug. If you consider it worth your time to contact the mods to give back the 1 min, you can contact them here: Contact MODS


Like someone else mentioned, for each started minute you get 1 minute deducted, so if a call last 5 minutes and 58 seconds or 5 minutes and 2 seconds, you get charged 6 minutes. So for a 20-40 seconds call, you would get charged 1 minute.


Finally, to answer your math question on how long the call actually lasted. What you see on your phone is the time from when you answered the call until you ended the call. What you see in your sons account is the time it took the network to establish the call until the network considered the call to have ended on his end. And similarly for your account. When you press the hang-up button on your phone is not the same time that the call ends on the network on your end and also not the same time the call ends on the network of the other side of the call. So these numbers will always be different by a few seconds. However your son's account will always deduct minutes based on his online account, and yours will always be deducted based on your online account. So if the call had lasted say 59 seconds on his and 61 seconds on yours, he'd be charged 1 minute, while you'd be charged 2 (for receiving the call while out of province) for the same call.

Mayor / Maire

@gmd a 1 second call will always deduct 1 minute

Even with per second billing (I think Fido & Solo only ones with older plans) it says after first minute then per second


The 2 minutes means he made 2 calls would be my guess

Possibly 1 call did not connect or something

The second his call gets registered on the tower, even if call not answer or call fail, it starts counting


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

This reminds me of Koodo's prepaid plan which we have had in the past (but not on this account).


  • 1 min call from Canada to a U.S. destination will deduct 2 mins

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