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I have 3 PM accounts under my management.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

In the event of needing some CSA assistance do I need 3 different Community accounts?

I am thinking, yes, because during the process the CSA can see that the Community account is linked to My Account  and phone number by the same email address that is is used in both accounts. 


Also one of the Community Accounts, the  posts will not stick. They disappear after a screen refresh. I have contacted a CSA and ticket was created. I was given a 24 hour...we will get back to you. No replies and any follow ups a day replies. Thus my question .... do I need 3?


I do like the 3 as I can concentrate  on community rewards for a specific phone account. I do no self patronizing. 




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



Thanks.....that is where they all are. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

If I had a IP address block...then my other 2 should not work...but they do. But what I find real no reply from CSA for an update. 

Mayor / Maire


Wow....that is weird. So the spam filter discriminates against certain IP addresses? Chock one up to the bizarro world of pm.

HI @maximum_gato   it does have effect on post level.  No red warnings, just the  post disappear. 

if i remember correct, it has to do with some particular word on the post (except we don't know which word)  Because he needs to ask a question (i think about phone compatiblity), no matter how he changed the wordings, it can gone to unmoderated.


I helped him to get a new Rogers IP and he can post that one question without problem


Mayor / Maire


His home IP address or did he just happen upon a banned IP address on mobile? I don't believe a banned IP address has any effect on posts being sent to your unmoderated items list. If the IP address has been banned by pm you get a big red warning that you are not allowed access (except with a VPN). Public Mobile can remove the IP ban if done in error....for a home IP address if necessary. If on public wifi using a mobile device then it's temporary until the user changes IP addresses.

@maximum_gato   Yes, learned from experience!!


I thought he got banned.  But luckily not.  I guess they tried to banned something else by IP and happened to have the same IP  (You know with Rogers/Bell, they recycle IPs)


Mayor / Maire


In theory like @computergeek541 claims only one community account should suffice but in practice it doesn't always work that way. I've used a back up community account for various reasons both for contacting customer support and community issues. But as far as using one community account for customer support there's an issue with whether or not a CSA will give support for an account not linked to the community account.


Of the many accounts I manage that do not have community accounts it's been very much YMMV on whether or not this will happen. I've been trying to get a Sim card swapped for an account I activated for a referral who had promptly lost the Sim card before it ever made it into a phone other than my "Sim card tester" phone. The referral just abandoned the service having never used it.


I have now tried 4 separate times with separate CSA's to swap out the Sim card so that the account can be given to single mom in need of mobile phone service but because access to the email is blocked by the 2FA "catch 22" and no CSA so far will agree to either a Sim swap or an email change other than to get the "account holder" to create a community account and contact customer support. So as reluctant as I am to do this I will.....


  1. Instruct the "account holder" how to create a community account with the new email.
  2. Have them contact customer support with all of the info I give them to verify the account.
  3. Once the "account holder" verifies the account a CSA will change the email and/or swap out the Sim card. Either of which will allow either one of which to be performed.
  4. The "account holder" now has access to an active account that they can give to the single mom who can edit the account details to better reflect who the "account holder" will be going forward.
  5. Elvis Presley can happily fade back into anononimity at his retirement home in the Catskills.

This is why having a separate community account for each self serve account is required.....according to Public Mobile's customer support agents. Oracle's opinions notwithstanding.



Thanks for the link "reminder". I am also suffering from the **poof** the magic dragon eating post bug! There are worse ailments you can suffer from.....if you're not careful he can cut your tongue off leaving you just a silent witness to the horror sitting on the sidelines?!!



That's an interesting theory.....have you tried testing it out at all?

Mayor / Maire

Hi @Olive_Oyl 


your 3rd account, your posts likely have gone to Unmoderated items.  

Try to change up your message and see.  If a message has gone to the Unmoderated items, there is no point to copy and paste and post it back


Also, happened to my friend, it could be an IP issue.  If you have that issue from home, you can test it by going  to some public wifi (like McDonlads, mall wifi, which will give you a different IP) and post and it might work.  If that fixes the issue, then somehow the IP was blocked by the Community software.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

In your post you state "can see that the Community account is linked to My Account  and phone number by the same email address that is is used in both accounts." I understand this as you have 2 accounts under one email. If this is correct each account needs to be a different email address otherwise you may have issues with your service. You would need to contact a CSA agent to have that changed.


Mayor / Maire



The 'posts will not stick' issue has to do with rejected items which go into an unmoderated items file.


The most common causes are:


  1. Avoid wording resembling profanity, advertising or services.
  2. Incorrect URLS or the wrong format Such as starting with http:/.
  3. Text similar to an HTML or elements of it...etc...
  4. Any wording that could be misinterpreted as an advertisement.
  5. Spelling mistakes or issues related to spelling.
  6. Create more paragraphs and /or avoid long sequences of text. 


To view your own personal rejected / unmoderated items, click the below link:


My Unmoderated Items - Community (public


@BKNS27 wrote:

No you can just have one Community account. You can post questions on their behalf.

The only time they need to create a Community account is when they need to contact a CS_Agent with an issue that Community members can’t help solve a problem.

As already mentioned, there is no requirement to create a seperate Community account for each phone number to contact a CSA.

Mayor / Maire

No you can just have one Community account. You can post questions on their behalf.

The only time they need to create a Community account is when they need to contact a CS_Agent with an issue that Community members can’t help solve a problem.

@Olive_Oyl wrote:

In the event of needing some CSA assistance do I need 3 different Community accounts?

I am thinking, yes, because during the process the CSA can see that the Community account is linked to My Account  and phone number by the same email address that is is used in both accounts. 


Also one of the Community Accounts, the  posts will not stick. They disappear after a screen refresh. I have contacted a CSA and ticket was created. I was given a 24 hour...we will get back to you. No replies and any follow ups a day replies. Thus my question .... do I need 3?


I do like the 3 as I can concentrate  on community rewards for a specific phone account. I do no self patronizing. 

One Community account will do.  Some customers do have more than one account, and I have no issue with that unless the person gives bravos and solutions to one's self (or askng fake questions simply to have to have the other account answer it just to get more posts in). A consideration would be that your contributions would get diluted amongst all the accounts.  I do see a possible issue if there if only one Community account is being used.  If there is more than one ticket open at the same time (for different phone numbers), it's possible that a CSA could mistakenly apply changes to the wrong account.

Mayor / Maire

@Olive_Oyl  I don’t believe you do need 3 separate  community accounts , thou I think it’s advised … asking as you know the credentials for the 3 different accounts you can contact and sort out issues for any of them with one account thru verification of the account phone numbers account number etc 

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