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I am travelling to Florida, USA in March for 6 weeks , does the $30 for 15 days add on work well?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I will be going to Florida, USA in March for 6 weeks. I am looking at adding the $30 for 15 days in  USA . I realize that  I have to add this every 15days for my 6 weeks. I currently have a 5G plan with Public mobile and I am wondering if anyone has used this plan add on while in the USA recently regards to data , texting and calling back to Canada ? Thank you in advance.


Mayor / Maire


If you don't need your Canadian phone number, I'd strongly recommend a US provider like or They offer great plans and eSIM service as well with native coverage.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@hTideGnow wrote:

Hi @Snodgett 

If you need to get another 15 days add-on without waiting 24 hours, submit ticket with agent to help

For the connection, change network selection to manual and pick T-Mobile to lock the network, but remember to change back PM when you are back in Canada 

Good to know thats an option but in my experience tickets rarely get handled in less than 24 hours, but I'll give it a try.

As far as "picking t-moobile to lock the network" there's been no locking in my case. Multiple phone notification beeps each time to tell (and annoy!) me that theres no network connection. Then I have to reselect t-mobile to connect; every time.

And zero luck with ATT throughout Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. All in all pretty poor service but it (barely) works enough for me. 

Hi @Snodgett 

If you need to get another 15 days add-on without waiting 24 hours, submit ticket with agent to help

For the connection, change network selection to manual and pick T-Mobile to lock the network, but remember to change back PM when you are back in Canada 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@hTideGnow wrote:

remember, if you are buying US add-on every 15 days, you have to wait a full day after the add-on expires to rebuy the same oddon, weird system glitch 


Thanks for including that tidbit of info, I'm in US and couldn't figure out why I can't get another 15 days... jeez, how messed up! 

And to the OP, In San Francisco currently with a pixel 8 pro I'm having to go into settings and manually grab t-mobile almost daily. The network drops out (possibly because I'm in a concrete building) but then easily reconnects. Call quality is decent but nothing to write home about. 

Mayor / Maire

Hi @cully19611 Florida should be ok, especially now you can connect to both T-MOBILE af At&T

remember, if you are buying US add-on every 15 days, you have to wait a full day after the add-on expires to rebuy the same oddon, weird system glitch 

with you going 6 weeks, would you consider changing to one of those Canada-US plan?? It might be easier and cheaper.  but please note if you have a good plan that no longer offering, you won't be able to get the same plan back after the trip.

Mayor / Maire

It will depend on you luck. Some people experience good connecting with US add-on, some do not.
Try to connect to AT&T and T-mobile.

Mayor / Maire

@cully19611   Another option would be to switch to a Canada/US plan for the time you are away, the disadvantage is that your current plan may not be available to switch back to when you return.  Whether the US roaming works well depends to a large extent on your phone.  People have reported it is best to be set to 4G/LTE because 5G doesn't work well on AT&T (the two US partner providers of PM are T-Mobile and AT&T so you need to be able to connect to one or the other).  If your phone is not VoLTE capable or enabled you will probably  have voice call problems unless you can connect to 2G on T-Mobile since all 3G networks in the USA are shut down.  The 2G network of T-Mobile will apparently be shut down on April 2 this year but you may be back by then.

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