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How do I contact Public Mobile to get new service?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I have Koodo, a phone and number and want to switch to Public Mobile, but want to talk to a real live human. Don't see any options to do this.

I hate this forum, I want to talk to a live person.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

you are really helpful! @Luddite

@michaellanfield the process is very easy! if you encounter any problem, feel free to post your question to the community (or use the search function for quicker solution) 

When the SIM arrives follow the directions under Get Started to Activate My SIM. Just use an email address different from the one you use with Koodo.


As far as transferring your Koodo number, you MUST select a temporary number when activating your account then the following day, log into your account to request a transfer (port). 


Please take the time to read the threads I indicated in my initial post, and read some of the threads under the topic "Getting Started".


Feel to ask any other questions. I am off for the night now but there will be other members around.


Good luck.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

So when I receive my sm card what next happens? How do I transfer my number I have eith Koodo?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I just sent for a sim card. Thank you.

I'll be saving $10 per month compared to using Koodo on a similar plan.

You order a free SIM card here: Get Started, then activate it when it arrives. If you are considering a 90 day plan be aware that the data allotments are for the full 90 days NOT 30 days. Also, you cannot take either long distance add-on unless you have a calling plan.


Because there have been issues transferring Koodo accounts use an email address different from your Koodo address both to order a SIM and to create your PM account when activating the SIM. DO NOT cancel your Koodo account until the transfer of your Koodo number has completed. When you number transfers your Koodo account will automatically be cancelled.


That's the basics I think.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

how do i switch over to public mobile?


@michaellanfield Bad news I'm afraid. In order to keep prices down, Public Mobile provides no telephone support for customers (unless they joined BEFORE Jan 27/15).


This forum is the source for any information you may require, and the initial contact point if you have problems. Any issues the members here cannot address are referred to this forum's moderators, or you may email Public Mobile by selecting Contact Us from bottom of this page under Get Help. You will get a response in a few hours to 2 days.


I recommend you read, at least, these two posts SECURITY OF SERVICE and Risk Free Activation - costs $10.  In addition, look around the forum topics and ask here any other questions you may have.


By the way, any Koodo phone will work on Public Mobile without unlocking and you can keep your current phone number.


We all think it is worth the trade off, and several people have reported they get better service here than they did from other carriers with phone support. Only you can decide.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.
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