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How/Where do we report technical bugs and issues about the Community forum?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I recall that there used to be a specific thread or sub-forum for this. But things have been reorganized and I am unable to find it.

I refuse to submit anything to stupidbot. Ever. If Public Mobile (Telus) won't make the human effort then neither will I.


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Thanks for the updates. Yeah, it's been a while, things change.

@Korth_ wrote:

The Oracles don't oversee this lofty chore anymore?

I recall one of them used to do it ... @computergeek541 or @ShawnC13 or @srlawren ?

Please be aware that srlawren hasn't ben an oracle for a few years.  As for oracles maintaining a list, I'm not aware of one.  Please remember that oracles do not work for Public Mobile.  All oracles can do is fowward the information to Public Mobile.  The thread about Community site issues is actually still there and I believe that David_J does still occassionally come to the message forum.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

The Oracles don't oversee this lofty chore anymore?

I recall one of them used to do it ... @computergeek541 or @ShawnC13 or @srlawren ?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Korth_  -  There is a way that you can report it to an agent and they'll forward it to the higher ups of Public Mobile. This is a direct communication without the chatbot.

 ⬇️ Click the link for an Agent * ⬇️

* - CS_Agent will typically get back to you within 48 hours. Please ensure that you pay attention for an agent because they may notify you asking for some information via Private Message, in your mailbox by clicking this link here: Messages

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