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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
No mod has replied
How can I get my problem fixed?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
Thanks for your quick response
On Friday I created my account but I got a message that something went wrong
So now the account is created, I cannot get into the account, I guess because I never received an activation email
And when I try to use line, it says I have no voice or text

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hey @nadizich


We just got to your message, you're currently the next one on our list! Shouldn't be too long before you hear back from one of us 🙂


Thank you for your patience, 



*Please do not post private info such as: phone number, account number, PIN etc... This is a public forum!*


There may still be a backlog from the freedom promo.  If a private message has been sent to the moderator team, stay patient, it will be answered in sequence.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

if you have contacted a mod through private message that is the method.


what is your issue?

You need to send the moderators a private message

To send a private message to the Moderator_Team click here

In your message send them:
1) account email address
2) PM phone number
3) explanation of what is happening
4) link to this thread if you want
5) if its a porting issue include your sim number, old account name and number

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