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Get Bill

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I would like to get a bill for my recent payments with my address on it. How do I contact someone to do this?


Mayor / Maire

As mentioned above, since Public Mobile is prepaid there will be no credit check and with that no need to verify a client's address, or even name, for that matter. 

You can request a bill through customer service, but it will not be an accepted document to prove your residency (I assume that is what you are trying to do?). How about your hydro bill or a bank statement?

Any post paid plan through 1st and 2nd tier carriers would meet the proof of residency part, but will often be more expensive or come with strings attached...

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I would doubt it. Perhaps it might be different for people who have been here longer - but Public Mobile does not have my address, other than the postal code. 

Mayor / Maire

@Abard If it's possible it would be through customer service. Contact them at the link below:

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