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Dropped Calls constantly last two weeks and 3G service???

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello, not sure about others on this system but in the last two weeks in the Halifax and Dartmouth area to calls in Ontario and NB to family who are all on Public mobile and experiencing the same amount of dropped calls there is clearly something wrong with the cell network. The phones involved are both IPhones, Android of models that are new and old so it’s not the phones. We believe there was a switch more than a year or two ago where the 3G network was being removed from service but lately it shows up on my IPhone not on a call as LTE then on the call and 3G which was supposed to be gone. Don’t know what’s up with this network but dropped calls in 4, 12, 30 mins randomly is getting old and maybe someone on this community can get an answer from Public mobile what is going on. Important phone calls can be substituted with texting or wifi calling when you need to call the Government and sit on hold for 1.5 hours to get answers but your phone hangs up on you. Ridiculous as this is not anywhere in the agreement to 10 or 20 minute limited calls that I can recall. 


Mayor / Maire

@Mikeoj1   A phone dropping from LTE to 3G on calls could indicate VoLTE is not working for some reason.  There are some phones that are not VoLTE capable or enabled but if it includes newer iPhones then it's not that.  3G has not been discontinued in Canada yet although it has been in the USA.  You're probably best to contact customer service, submit a ticket via the chat/message icon bottom right of this page.

Mayor / Maire

Hey @Mikeoj1 

I have been getting quite a few dropped calls myself in Winnipeg. At least on one of my iPhones. The other, not an issue. Go figure.

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