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Complaints about Public Mobile, CSA's and/or My Account My Rewards or the Website

Mayor / Maire

While in the past there have been some very supportive comments and users asking why the negativity.


And there has been some very non supportive comments.


The observation is.....we need to clarify what you support and what you don't by being specific and not an overall Public Mobile is this or that. 


As a Telus customer I can now see so many issues are common to both. See if you see the commonality. 

Telus points on statement are different than what you see online. Blatant errors and miscommunication. 

Telus in most cases has good tech support but not always. Especially from the Philippines. 

Telus, in my opinion, always has good customer service support but not always. Usually in Canada. 

Telus is spitting out a new summary every time you call them for an adjustment or for tech assistance. And sometimes more $ numbers are mentioned in and email. These numbers do not reflect your current service agreement. Blatant errors and miscommunication. 

The summaries are not consistent in end all price...nor are the emails. Blatant errors and miscommunication. 

Errors and miscommunication  causes unnecessary stress and time taking follow up. 


This is not a complaint about Telus. My point is that PM is not that bad as some say, as they both have the same issues. 



Not suggesting that at all @chipmunk 


Approach is everything.  Sadly, making customer service folks feel valuable might get better results.  This shouldn’t be the case, but they’re only human.


And there are bad apples that need to go from here, clearly.



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


I've been raised to be polite and to say please and thank you when asking for help. So you are saying that the act of me asking a CSA for help* (backed with screenshots of the problem as well as their terms of service and potential other supporting "evidence" as to not waste too much of their time) is in itself rude. 



* And just before you suggest that my expectations are through the roof: I've also never asked for more than the ToS / PM's advertising fine print gives me a right to... 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Maybe "Thanks for writing us, we will keep notes of your concern"  🙂




I tried that.   And do you know what I got?

Well that's just not right, @CountyDownIeUk 


You should absolutely report any negative experiences to another CSA, or at least ask another CSA to escalate a bad customer service experience to the 'higher ups'.   Be sure to request a review thread when dealing with a CSA - presuming they still offer these reviews post-dealings.


There's always bad apples in every bunch and the bad ones here need to be sussed out ...   of the door.

Mayor / Maire



I always remain calm, respectful and factual and have had incompetent and unsatisfactory help from a CSA that was not called for. That angers me some what and makes me feel like leaving.  And I can see why some will leave with all online and a bad experience or two. I made a list of a few, and have compared with a few others .... so there is a bit of a consensus that some should be offered to find employment elsewhere. And there are, absolutely, some very good ones. 




If you are treating the CSA respectfully....ABSOLUTELY you should expect to be dealt with in a satisfactory manner. 





It's been my experience that you get more flies with honey than vinegar - i've had nothing but good feedback/offerings from CSA's.   I've also always approached them politely - not suggesting anyone else hasn't, just sayin.






Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

So because we are paying less, and are doing a lot of the work ourselves (as much as this flawed Self Serve system allows us to) means that we have to put up with sometimes outright bad customer service when we actually need help from the CSA?


I might just be reading here most of the time, but I know that in the past few of months people, who did seem to have "the right expectations", reported being yelled at and belittled by a CSA.

And wasn't there a person from Quebec that, from what I could gather from their detailed first post, met the requirements for the Quebec christmas promo and, when they contacted customer service because the system didn't apply the bonus, were refused the priviledge, the CSAs making up all kinds of modified facts so that they didn't have to (essentially making the plan false advertising in this case)?

I've have tried referring people, but the ones that have actually signed up have left by now because they had to fight over and over again with the CSA for stuff that should be applied automatically by the system. (initial one-time $10 referral credit, RAF bonus, bonus data... I didn't see anything that they shouldn't have qualified for - they went through a smooth sign-up process and, according to the terms of the according promos, were well in the timeline of the promo and qualified in terms of plan size, RAF / promo code input etc...)


My understanding from the person, that referred me in 2020, was that once you are connected to the CSA (then moderator) they know their stuff, are helpful and strive to make things right. This premise seems to have changed over the last year or so - from my experience and what I read here, even with adjusted expectations - it's a low cost provider after all -  actually getting helped by a CSA seems to be luck of the draw, and some of them are just making stuff up as they go along. Implying that this attitude by some CSA is ok and it being all the customers' fault for not having the right expectations is quite a stretch, IMO.

@HALIMACS  Well said once again and I totally agree , your wording certainly sounds more inclusive for sure no one fails participation medals for all 🙂

You kidding me @Luddite ?    That sounds a bit restrictive, but somewhat along the lines of what might have value around here.   😂


Geez, I even posted a question about this some weeks ago and was really hoping some of the longer-time members might have commented.   Thanks for chiming in!:

@Handy1 wrote:

@softech  All great points @softech  also I think @HALIMACS  idea about a beginners test to determine if public mobile is right for someone would also really help to iron out those kinks and help prepare potential customers on what to expect and give confidence on how one may have to trouble shoot from time to time 

Hi @Handy1 


Just to touch on this.   I didn't call it a beginners "test".   Too many folks think (thought) that meant if one were to 'fail' such a test, they couldn't get service here, LOL.


My proposal some weeks ago was more toward something of a "Questionnaire-type" set of questions to help new folks determine if Public Mobile is a fit for them.   It's not meant to exclude ANYONE, just help folks make an informed decision about whether this is a service they would want to try.


A couple of the regulars didn't seem too keen on the idea thinking it was something it was not.  


I continue to believe it to be a valuable tool.

@softech wrote:

@CountyDownIeUk wrote:

My point is that PM is not that bad as some say, as they both have the same issues. 



Happy to see your last line


Honest, I am surprised even some long time regulars has made very bad comment with PM lately.

Some are just and can can attest based on my poor service from CSAs. 


Is PM perfect?   NO.  Is it that bad?  I don't think so

To some, a hassle. But would you do better cost wise and customer service wise with a first tier option? I doubt it. 


Some complaints from some customers are more like the lack of understanding with the service they are getting. 

Yes sometimes just clarifying something that is not comprehended...a learning curve. And lots of us here to help out. But there are a few 💩 disturbers that come, go or stay. 


They are on a Tier 3 provider, it is normal to get less fancy services like the Tier 2 or 1 brothers.   Sometimes the complains came from the "wrong expectation". How can people expect to get a perfectly made steak from a fast food restaurant?

Perhaps. And part of the web site works perfectly and other parts not. My comment excludes stuff that we would like to see. 


Some complaints are actually happening with other providers, too.  But with porting so easily done today, many would not look into the issue further but simply make a decision to go "to to another provider".  

Yes, I agree. Personally I can only compare to Telus prepaid and a Bell contract. Bell sucks for customer service for both mobile contacts and Satellite TV. 


Is Public Mobile perfect?  No.  But I think the most pressing thing to improve is the reliability of Autopay.  If Autopay works 99.9% of the time, less people would got disconnected and less frustration.

Personally auto pay won’t be fixed as it was inherited from Telus prepaid. We were on Telus prepaid in 2005. They have had 18 years to fix it. The thing that gets me is the messages on day before and day of renewal....just use a better worded explanation as account suspended gets people excited. 


And one thing, shipping sim card needs to be done within 5 days, Pay a bit extra to ship via Purolator, or sell exclusively via Amazon. 

I can accept what it is. But for a new customer it is too long. Like a flash in the pants...the excitement is over before it arrives. Taking SIM only sales away from retailers was not a well thought out choice...but taking away activation at a retailer was. Travelling and paying for transportation for a $10 item is a deal breaker now a days as most us are conscious of bus fare and cost of gas  and would only buy if not too far out of the way or on a day of travel with multiple stops. Thus mailing is the best. Last year they were couriered by UPS. They come from a Telus warehouse in Calgary as does a replacement set top box and IS couriered. The issue, in my opinion, processing time takes too long. As per my previous employment I can attest the process time and fill time is far too long. 


Not every one has Amazon Prime or an Amazon Account. 


This is an fully online provider, you don't want to get your potential new customers mad on their first interaction with PM.   And all the excitement to change to a "better provider" would die down after a 3 weeks wait   🙂

Correct. Just had that experience.






@Handy1 wrote:

@softech  All great points @softech  also I think @HALIMACS  idea about a beginners test to determine if public mobile is right for someone would also really help to iron out those kinks and help prepare potential customers on what to e! xpect and give confidence on how one may have to trouble shoot from time to time 


ZOUNDS. Talk about 'back to the future". One of the earliest incarnations of PM required such a test to even receive a SIM!




>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

@softech  All great points @softech  also I think @HALIMACS  idea about a beginners test to determine if public mobile is right for someone would also really help to iron out those kinks and help prepare potential customers on what to expect and give confidence on how one may have to trouble shoot from time to time 


@CountyDownIeUk wrote:

My point is that PM is not that bad as some say, as they both have the same issues. 



Happy to see your last line


Honest, I am surprised even some long time regulars has made very bad comment with PM lately.


Is PM perfect?   NO.  Is it that bad?  I don't think so


Some complaints from some customers are more like the lack of understanding with the service they are getting.  They are on a Tier 3 provider, it is normal to get less fancy services like the Tier 2 or 1 brothers.   Sometimes the complains came from the "wrong expectation". How can people expect to get a perfectly made steak from a fast food restaurant?


Some complaints are actually happening with other providers, too.  But with porting so easily done today, many would not look into the issue further but simply make a decision to go "to to another provider".  


Is Public Mobile perfect?  No.  But I think the most pressing thing to improve is the reliability of Autopay.  If Autopay works 99.9% of the time, less people would got disconnected and less frustration.


And one thing, shipping sim card needs to be done within 5 days, Pay a bit extra to ship via Purolator, or sell exclusively via Amazon.  This is an fully online provider, you don't want to get your potential new customers mad on their first interaction with PM.   And all the excitement to change to a "better provider" would die down after a 3 weeks wait   🙂





Mayor / Maire

@CountyDownIeUk  Gotta take the good with the bad all things have there ups and downs this is just a great example of just that . Well said sir 

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