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Change Phone Number Failed

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi there, 


 I recently relocated to a different province and I'm trying to change my phone number and it keeps saying "Phone Number Change Failed"

I have only had the one number since I've been with Public Mobile so I should be able to change it at least once? 




Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Please contact a moderator about this as they are the people that will be able to help you with this

@Dogbert wrote:

Have you recently updated your physical address in the system?


I'm thinking it may take a day or two to propagate within their system to allow for a new number within the new billing area.

The mailing address saved in the self-serve account makes no difference to the phone numbers that can be selected.  You could even open an account with an address such as 123 Fake Street.


While a billing address would have to be accurate to use a credit card or Visa debit card, that address also makes no difference when it comes to the available phone numbers that a customer can choose from.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Have you recently updated your physical address in the system?


I'm thinking it may take a day or two to propagate within their system to allow for a new number within the new billing area.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@SilasXavier wrote:

Hi there, 


 I recently relocated to a different province and I'm trying to change my phone number and it keeps saying "Phone Number Change Failed"

I have only had the one number since I've been with Public Mobile so I should be able to change it at least once? 



Are you using the following to change phone number?

[Plan and Add-Ons]--> [Change Phone Number] --> [Select a new phone number]

You are allowed to change a number once per month.  Since you have been with PM for a while, the 30 days restriction does not apply to you.


When you get an error, you should restart your browser before trying to change your phone number again.

Mayor / Maire

@SilasXavier wrote:

Hi there, 


 I recently relocated to a different province and I'm trying to change my phone number and it keeps saying "Phone Number Change Failed"

I have only had the one number since I've been with Public Mobile so I should be able to change it at least once? 



You should be able to change it. You should clear your browser cache or useincognitoo mode and try again. You should also pick the correct province when using


EDIT: Correct link


Mayor / Maire
@SilasXavier Are you trying to move a number from another provider? Have you tried to change it in the last 30 days?
Try using Chrome in incognito mode. If it still doesn't work you will need to contact the moderators, you can send them a private message here:
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