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Cell phone number recognized as fax number

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi, my landline is connected to my printer which I also use as a fax (yes, some people still use those) sometimes. When my kids call me on my cell phone, the fax on my printer comes on (we still can talk but over the loud fax sound). Could this have anything to do with PM? It only happens when calling my cellphone...


@THG   ok, this is when the landline is used.   I guess it has a signal sent to fax when you do that.  But sorry, I have no fix for that.   😞

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


They are 2 different lines indeed. The only moment the fax on my printer comes on without receiving an actual fax is when calling my cell phone from my landline...this is weird. Thanks for your answer.


@THG   your landline and your cell are two different lines, right? or you are those using a Panasonic Bluetooth phone to link up the cell with the cordless headsets and linked to the fax?

if two different lines, then No, it won't have anything to do with PM cell. Your fax is triggered by the incoming voice line signal from the landline only

but if you are those using a bluetooth headset to link up your PM cell, then you need to turn off your fax when not in use.  

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