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Can't receive calls from my girlfriends cell number

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • I can call her but she can't call me/not have it ring on my phone physically. 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

That's the "Peace of mind" setting!  Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Mayor / Maire


Did you just activate your account and port in your phone number? Are you recieving any incoming calling?





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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Chris-g35  When did you join PM? What is make & model of your phone?

Mayor / Maire



Maybe.... she's just not calling you.   🤔    (don't mean to imply anything by that...)


Presumably, you can receive calls from other people, and when she calls other people, they can receive her calls...  do a test to check those possibilities.

Mayor / Maire

@Chris-g35  - if she has the setting on her device to only accept calls on from contacts that exist on her contact list, then have her add you as a contact (if you are not there already); or get her to turn that setting off completely.



Mayor / Maire



Did you accidentally block her? Are the calls going directly to voicemail? Can you tell her to dial your number using the dialer and put a 1 in front?

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