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Can't log in because my SIM and phone were stolen and therefore cannot report stolen phone

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

In a catch 22. Phone and SIM were stolen. In order to report the phone stolen. They're asking me to log in. But then they want me with two factor authentication to have a six digit number texted me. I do not have the option of two-factor authentication with email. I have been unable to send a private message to a customer 's agent to report the phone stolen. Please help. I'm in catch 22 hell




As mentioned, you can get 2FA email sent instead. See pictures below:image.pngimage.png

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@jpjuggler When you get to the eversafe screen, click resend code and select email.  It should email you the code so you can sign in.

Mayor / Maire


When you login to your account, click on Resend Code/Didn’t Receive Code. It will give you the option of sending the 2FA by calling, texting or email.

If it doesn’t give you these options then your only option is to DM a CS_Agent to help you login and pause your service. 

Mayor / Maire

@jpjuggler  You should be able to private message customer support with this link 

You do need to be logged in to this community for it to work, but you don't need to be logged into your phone account.  An agent will reply at the envelope icon top right or tap your avatar for Messages.  If you've already tried this and it didn't work, what happened?  If you tried the chatbot/ticket system, that doesn't work.

If you keep tapping on didn't get the code or resend code a few times do you not get the email option?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

In case it wasn't clear, I cannot receive text with the six digit number from the two-factor authentication because the stupid phone was stolen

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