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Can't Port In via Self Serve

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Attempting to port in a number from Petro Canada Mobility (Ztar Mobile) using the Change Phone Number link in Self Serve. Entered all information Petro Canada Mobility agent told me they would need (and validated the information I have is correct) but when trying to submit I am told by the site that the request has been rejected. What am I doing wrong?


@JLYC wrote:

Update on this. It is the form. I tried again this time clicking "I am authorized" before checking the number is eligible for porting and everything went through. Perhaps the form could be updated? It's a rather silly thing.

Personally, I am not sure that this is an essential first step.  I read about this after activating and porting a few accounts.  Prior to this, I started from the top of the page and so the check box was done last.  The port still worked. 


Sometimes, it is the carrier on the other end playing games to make the process as drawn out as possible.  I am certain that Bell and Rogers likes to interrupt things so they get a chance to plead their case for the customer to change their mind.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Update on this. It is the form. I tried again this time clicking "I am authorized" before checking the number is eligible for porting and everything went through. Perhaps the form could be updated? It's a rather silly thing.

A longer list with some duplication:


- do not request the port-in during activation; take a temporary number, log out, confirm all services are active, log back into your account and select Transfer Number under Change Phone Number

- do not use any identifier except your account number EXACTLY as shown on your bill; it is the best item for any port-in request

- do not make any errors in the Authourized User; this must be EXACTLY as it appears on your bill

- do not use your number as the Alternate Number; use someone else's

- do not forget to click "I am authourized ...." BEFORE you entering your number (courtesy imm1304)

- do not cancel your account; that will happen automatically


If that fails, send a private message to any moderator with:


  • PM account email address
  • PM phone number
  • PM SIM card number
  • old carrier account number, exactly as shown on your bill
  • old carrier phone number
  • the name, exactly as shown on your bill
  • an Alternate Phone Number; someone else’s, not your own

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

There is a problem with porting page,


you must click "I am authorized" check box first before entering anything else.


In my past experience with Public Mobile, if porting failed, they wont tell you immidiately, so most likely you are running into this glitch.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
Using the account number is the best way to eliminate further complications suggested by some people.


Was there any further details in the rejection notice?  All you need for porting is to supply the name of the account holder, either one of account number/IMEI/account PIN, plus check off the box that you are authorized to port the number.  In case you entered the account number, you need to exclude spaces, dot, dashes or any other special characters, just the alpha numeric part of the account number.  Anyway, I believe that the porting process only allows one try and after that, you are locked out from a second attempt.  You will need to send a private message to a moderator with the particulars and they will have to do it for you.  I will tag a moderator to bring your situation to their attention.  @Shazia_K, please help with the porting issue over here.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Is the account number correct?

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