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Bonus data

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hey. I lost my bonus data, but only the 240gb of bonus data. Why did you change it so that the be bonus data gets removed when switching plans, where as all previous bonus data did not expire and was removed when switching plans.


hi @Ben434 

or it is very special so it is different 🙂

that is actually a bonus that given out from the change of rewards system , kind of like a compensation 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ohh this bonus data must be less special than any other previous bonus data. 

Mayor / Maire

hi @Ben434 as said, you are not supposed to lower your plan 

but you can ask agent to give you another bonus that goes with your plan value.  It is not a guarantee but some had success 

please submit a ticket with CS Agent using this Chatbot link:  Type the question "Submit ticket", Then click the following in order: "Contact Us" ,  "Other",  "Log In".  
If any issue with ticket submission, you can  submit by direct message:

Mayor / Maire


clipped from Help Files...

Will I lose my special bonus data if I switch plans?

The bonus data will remain active unless your account becomes inactive, you switch to a plan of lower value or to an incompatible plan.


@Ben434 this is a special bonus with a 150 days expiration and a term specified that it will be gone if the plan is downgraded

Will I lose my special bonus data if I switch plans?

The bonus data will remain active unless your account becomes inactive, you switch to a plan of lower value or to an incompatible plan.

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