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Background data restriction keeps switching off and eating my data

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
Background data restriction keeps getting switched off. Half of my months data was used overnight withou my consent

With pretty much every other phone I’ve had, I activate the restriction immediately and I never have to touch it again. However, this new phone seems to have a mind of its own. Last night, overnight, the phone ate through an insane amount of my debit and I was wondering if there’s anyway to get back.


Mayor / Maire


Whether you have an Android or an iPhone makes a big difference in what kind of data tools you are given to manage your data. I have two with no plan data and the other with only 250mb of plan data. Both accounts have a lot of add on data so I rely on my data tracker, data warning and data limiter.


Generally on the account with 250mb of plan data I set the warning at 100mb and the limiter at 200mb and reset as needed. I exceed my plan data occasionally but I am given extra warnings that either Google chrome, photos or pc optimum have high data usage. Not really but with low settings for the warning or the limiter triggers these could set yours even lower to really get on top of the culprits.


I had a similar issue with my moto g7+ when new and while I try to avoid using Google chrome, photos uses a lot but my issue came down to the pc optimum app adding video so everytime I opened it to double check offers the dang videos would play eating my data...I turned off all video in that apps settings and solved the issue. But uninstalling and reinstalling an app will often require you to turn the background data off again along with video content etc....


Are you disconnecting from wifi at night? Do you have updates or uploading or synching of data scheduled to occur at night? Does your phone show you hour by hour data usage or screen time? Look at apps that use high resolution images or video content a lot like social media apps and keep mobile data off at home you can toggle it on if you get an MMS.


Is your bedroom far from your Wi-Fi router causing your phone to disconnect or use wifi assist? Have you toggled off "mobile data always on" in your builder options?





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Also, best to to trace your data used is to get help from 3rd part app.   Some app allows you check which apps use the data in the month or in the last day, check this


Android: Data Counter Widget

iOS: My Data Manager


Mayor / Maire

@Fornax55  - unless there was some kind of fraudulent issue, it is not likely you will be receiving any data usage back.


This needs to be managed on a device level; and your comment about a 'new phone' is telling. So dig into the settings of this phone to find culprits.


@Fornax55   Best way to protect data is to toggle Mobile Data off completely and only turn on when needed


What kind of phone you have ?  brand and model?

Which app's background data keeps using your data?  You go back and check and you find it turned off?


Also, check if Wifi Assist/Adaptive Wifi was turned on.  These options allows the phone to start using the Mobile Data if the Wifi signal is too weak


Also, make sure you update the phone's OS and the Apps are all up-to-date



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