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About my phone

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi how do you no if my phone forward to another phone when I am on my phone I heard other phone pick up


@Syndra that's scary! what if they can hear you too... 😱

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks you when I am on my phone I here like some one on the line to


Mayor / Maire

@Syndra wrote:

Hi how do you no if my phone forward to another phone when I am on my phone I heard other phone pick up

@Syndra do you have call forwarding on your phone? There have been times depending on the frequency of your phone where you can pick up other conversations. Back in teh day when we had cordless phones our phone would pick up the neighbours conversation when they were on the phone, must have had the same signal match or something. 


The only way you can know if your phone is being forwarded is if the phone they are being forwarded to receives a call and they leave a message at the same time you are on the phone. There is no signal or anything like that you will get that a call is coming in, unless your device tells you incoming call, then it is forwarded. 

Mayor / Maire

Here is more info about how to setup call forwarding.

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