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5G network for iPhone

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hello Public Mobile Community,

Good day!  I have just signed up for the $34 50G 5G plan last week and am currently using iPhone 13 with this service.

 I notice when the 5G reception is bad in certain areas, the network does not automatically switch to LTE.  Does anyone experience the same issue?  

Thank you for your help!




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you!

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I don't even bother with 5G right now, where I go it's slower than LTE and it seems less stable and uses up the battery. You can just select LTE if that's the case for you as well.

@MissChanChan make sure both iOS and Carrier Profile are up to date, Reboot and click Reset Network Settings

Also, check if this happen in different area , could be just local network issue and the phone unable to switch to 4G in that particular area

To enable 5G in Apple iPhone, you must go to Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Options > Voice & Data. You can now choose between 5G On and 5G Auto. 5G Auto: Enables Smart Data mode as it uses 5G only when it is required, thus helps in saving the battery life. 5G On: Always uses a 5G network when it's available

@MissChanChan  5G auto so it will automatically choose what network has best reception and use it 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have selected 5G auto

Mayor / Maire

@MissChanChan  It should mine drops down when 5G signal is weak . Check that but have automatic set and this should make difference 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hello Public Mobile Community,

Does anyone know if I should choose “5G auto” or “5G” under Voice and Data on my iPhone 13?

Thank you for your help!


@MissChanChan are you using 5G On on your network mode?? Make sure. it is 5G Auto, this also more battery friendly as it will use 4G more 

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