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What is with all the plan changes?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Lately I feel like every month there is a whole new set of offerings. 

They had promo for black friday and stuff, ok fine. But what they are offering keeps changing. 😑

I tell my friend about a plan they offer and by the time they look to sign up it has changed. lol


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Adding new plans to stem loss of customers, removing plans to avoid confusion (same priced but different data amounts), and maximizing arpu by removing plans before everyone downgrades to a lower cost one

Mayor / Maire

New plans and offers are a good thing. Everyone has different needs so what fits you today, might not fit the next person; but next week it does and vice versa. 

But you are right, they go so fast and  you the time your ready, presto it's gone!

Mayor / Maire


Plans change every month so if there is a plan your friend is interested in. Hop on It but remember to tell them your referral code so they will get $10 credit on their next bill and a point for you.

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