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Payment due dates and renewals

Mayor / Maire

    For the past couple of days I've been trying to figure out what has been going on in one of my two accounts in regards to its renewal date. Please note the accounts renew two days apart. The problems started in December but for reference of two normal renewals I'll start in November.

  1. Nov 3rd text to pay acct A. Nov 4th texts confirm payment and rewards applied on acct A. Renewal date Nov 4th.
  2. No text to pay acct B. Nov 6th texts confirm payment and rewards applied on on acct B. Renewal date Nov 6th.
  3. Dec 1st text to pay acct A due Dec 4th. Rewards get applied. Text to confirm. $10 plan fee applied. Renewal fails. Service ticket submitted. Dec 5th moderator applies $30 data plan and RBC promo. Service renews. 40 hours no service except RBC promo data add on works.
  4. Dec 3rd text to pay acct B due Dec 6th. Dec 6th texts confirm payment and rewards applied.
  5. Jan 1st text to pay acct A due Jan 4th (incorrect should be jan 3rd.) Jan 3rd rewards and text confirm rewards appled. Plan does not renew but stays active. Jan 3rd text confirms payment applied and plan renews. This is incorrect. Jan 4th plan renews and text confirms renewal and payment applied. This is correct. RBC promo not applied.
  6. Jan 2nd text to pay acct B on Jan 5th. Jan 5th texts confirm payment and rewards applied.

Please note that acct A and acct B are now one day apart in renewal. A moderator is contacted to have the RBC promo applied. When asked about acct A renewal he says the rewards were applied early and the renewal occurred on time. This is incorrect and led me to not use all of my plan data. The failed renewal  in December forced me to purchase the $5/500min add on so I could use my phone on acct B even though it was to renew the next day.


      A couple of days ago  i went to check my acct A for the renewal date and it states no payment is due. Plan cost $0. Payment due date Feb 21st?!! I look into my payment history and a $10 plan cost was applied Jan 22nd. The plan did not counter stays the same but my due date and cycle seem to have reset instead of renewing right now. (Feb 2nd) Feb 1st acct B receives a text to pay Feb 4th. Acct A seems to have a mind of its own.


    Moderator contact/customer service has been disappointing at best. Trying to get ahead of another possible renewal fail i contacted the moderators early Friday morning. I received a message back in about three and a half hours and responded by verifying the account by the link supplied even though I had already included all the verification info necessary to access my account and verify my identity. I received no response. 24 hrs I reply to that message recapping my concerns. I was contacted a couple hours later and had to reverify my identity again! Essentially verifying my verification. With no response by the end of the workday i have to wait another entire day and with system maintenance overnight nothing can be done until at least 10 am et. So much for being proactive and trying to prevent a bigger issue from happening.


Edit: Sorry this post gave me an authentication error and I missed a paragraph.



@AE_Collector  My RBC promo isn't done yet and it also comes with 5gb data add on. I don't believe this is a coding issue or others with this promo would also be experiencing it. The random $10 plan that changed my renewal to February 21st really thru me for a loop.

       I think it goes back to my failed renewal in December The same day the holiday gifts became live and loadable on the site. I had added mine to that account right before the site was overwhelmed.  The renewal failed mid renewal (between the $10 plan charge and the $30 data charge.) After that the plan amounts, cost and amount due were not correct and haven't been until it was manually renewed yesterday and properly reset.

    It's obvious to me now that it was never properly reset by the moderator back in December which knowing who it was doesn't surprise me. But the true test will be next months renewal.

What a mess! Out of curiosity, had the RBC PROMO  run its course? Was it at the point where the plan should revert back to being a regular plan or does it have aspects that last forever? My last comment in a different topic was about coding errors with December 2019 community rewards and once again I suspect coding errors here too. Interesting that the however the delayed December renwal was fixed looks as though it bumped your renewal day forward by one day permanently....well intil now when it failed and may likely be bumped up another day or two.



Great job Silvio! My account has been properly reset manually. Rewards and the promo didn't apply so an account credit had to be applied manually. So the only thing that didn't reset was the accumulative rewards stats but i can live with that.


@mimmo  Im awarding you the solution on two counts. Calling 611 confirmed the dates were changed for the renewal. And of course only the mods could fix an account issue like this and only manually by a moderator.

The little elves are working hard to renew my plan. I just logged in to check my account to see "plan expired"!  Checked my payment history to see the $10 Credited back to my balance. I went back to the overview page and  "plan expired" is gone and got to see my plan data reset. I still have two different plan renewal dates. The correct one up top March 4th and the incorrect one February 21st at the bottom. I just need my rewards applied and the difference applied against my balance and I should be good to go!

Nope no action on the account tonight. Day 32 of the 30 day plan. Sometimes you do get more than you paid for with public mobile!

@JenL   The community rewards have no affect on this account as they are tied to my other account....sure wish they were so they weren't building credit in one account while I pay out of pocket for this one.


Update: I was contacted by a senior member of the moderator team who apologised for the lack of response from the two junior members of the team. This was about 8 hours ago....the moderator was proactive and had already set in motion the following actions before contacting me....

  1. Opened an investigation with the appropriate  team and gave me a ticket number.
  2. Confirmed the previous three renewal dates and the January renewal date was Jan 3rd.
  3. Indicated that by virtue of a 30 day plan my renewal should have occurred last night.
  4. Noted the $10 plan "change" on Jan 22nd and change of renewal date to Feb 21st.
  5. Credited back the $10 charge to my balance leaving me with enough funds to cover my true plan cost minus RBC promo discount and rewards with $2 to spare if needed.
  6. Indicated my renewal may occur tonight and will check my account first thing in the morning and follow up with me in case I lose service and have any other concerns.

I will check my account to see if the renewal process has started. However at last glance the renewal date remained Feb 21st. The balance on the overview page and rewards page is updated but not in the payment history. The correct plan cost is in the my plan section but all in all other areas it still shows $0. Heres to hoping i see the red "plan expired" message when I log in!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@mimmo @Anonymous  sounds like the problem started in paragraph 5. I'm wondering if it could be community rewards, as for the renewal date changing that sounds like a glitch. I've has fast responses from the MODs and I just slightly changed the wording and eventually the MOD gave me a ticket to talk to a human. It's my advice you keep checking frequently, if too much time passes they may close the ticket.


    Apparently pm likes some of my money....they took $10 and reset my renewal date. So I get 19 days of extra service (calling and texting) and no extra plan data but I have 4.6/5gb left so that won't be an issue. Maybe I should just cancel my service request and take the 19 day extension for $10! That's a pretty good deal for 2/3rds of a plan cycle and my unused data rolled over! Dang if only my rewards had been applied then it would be the $1 19 day plan. A hybrid between the old 10 day plans and current 30 day plans. If this wasn't my main phone number I'd just let it ride to see what would happen......

My account now displays the correct plan cost and features on the my plan page and current promotions but not my add ons. The overview and reward pages still display $0 plan cost.

@darlicious wrote:

@Anonymous  The irritating thing about these drawn out renewals is sitting on the unused data not being sure if it's data about to expire so I can go hog wild or if it's new plan data. When my renewal failed in December but my promo data worked they replenished it but took it out of my plan data. I'm sitting on 4.5gb of unused data....should I blow it? What if they reset my renewal and consider it the first day of my new cycle?


@mimmo  55 hours since my first message to them. 46 hours since i first verified.18 hours since i verified a second time. Still waiting for any post verification response.....

It is a totally different tale for my RBC account.  It has been going smoothly since initial inception.  You are fully aware of how the account goes into various stages during the renewal process.  I hope you did not scratch the itch so to speak and cause a side infection.  Otherwise, I don't know what to you.  Perhaps Public Mobile doesn't like your money.  


As for the need to use add-ons to run the service, I think it is fair for you to seek restitution.  I have never gone down that road before myself.  I cannot counsel you on how well paved it is.  

@Anonymous  The irritating thing about these drawn out renewals is sitting on the unused data not being sure if it's data about to expire so I can go hog wild or if it's new plan data. When my renewal failed in December but my promo data worked they replenished it but took it out of my plan data. I'm sitting on 4.5gb of unused data....should I blow it? What if they reset my renewal and consider it the first day of my new cycle?


@mimmo  55 hours since my first message to them. 46 hours since i first verified.18 hours since i verified a second time. Still waiting for any post verification response.....

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Looks like an system issue get mods to investigate.  You can reach mods by.... You know the rest 🙂

Not applicable

@darlicious wrote:

@mimmo  I can only guess bug. I'm usually in my account all the time I'm surprised I went over a week without checking it.

That's quite a mess. 3 days to do renewals in Dec and Jan? Jan was a bit messed up for others I think too including me.

@mimmo  I can only guess bug. I'm usually in my account all the time I'm surprised I went over a week without checking it.Screenshot_20200201-192925.png

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@darlicious @No idea , some plans iirc seem do be divided into two parts I think 10 then the remainder.


Post transaction history? Maybe mod intervention. System bug?  your guess is as good as mine

@Anonymous  @mimmo  Ok then 611 answered that question. My renewal date is February 21st. How and why a $10 plan charge was put on my account on January 22nd that did not renew it is still a complete mystery. I have boatloads of left over data so if the mods don't get back to me by tonight it will be interesting to see if anything happens. Has this happened to anyone before?

Not applicable

With an active account, 611 will give you the date like the self-serve and if autopay is on it will say 2am of that date.

@mimmo   Yeah I can see how it could get lost in the translation. I had added enough funds to cover the plan cost minus the promo discount and rewards. And I do have auto pay I've just never had to use it. But because of the mystery $10 plan charged to my account on january 22nd I think that has changed my renewal date to February 21st. It didn't renew last night and I suppose it could renew tonight. But Ill try 611 and see what that says.(This will be a first!)


I understand pm to the mods has it's drawbacks but I do expect a response once I verify thru the link and not have to verify again once I get that response. Let's see what happens today.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@darlicious  the only proactive things you can do are:

-add funds to cover the renewal w/o rewards and hope all goes well

-add funds and ask for early renewal, and forefit rewards

- switch companies


As for contacting mods if you use Simon it authenticates the account, you will get faster service,   rather than sending a private message,  even if you supply pin,  mods may or may not ask for authentication.  


As for rrenewal  timing, it tends to be all over the place, that's the best I can answer. (I lost  track of what you were asking). If you call 611 it will tell you the time and date of renewal. If it is accurate, I don't know.


@CannonFodder  Lol that it would be only used for the occasional contest or if I have issues signing in under darlicious and need to access the community or the moderators. Count yourself lucky max never responds to anyone. He must like you!


Also happens to be problem account B!

Mayor / Maire

@darlicious wrote:


Edit: Sorry this post gave me an authentication error and I missed a paragraph..

Sorry, that post gave me an authentic headache error! 😉  Sorry, couldn't help myself.


On a completely different topic, is your other account by any chance under the username of @maximum_gato ? Just happened to spot that in the recent sign-ins, and remembered it from the pic of your dear departed Max.

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