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Account access

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have been trying to access my account. I forgot my password and the systen keeps sending me a message saying "An e-mail to reset my password has been sent to me" I am yet to receive any e-mail.




Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Does anyone know the wait time for the mods to do this? 


I sent a request ten hours ago and haven't seen anything.  Mine's a new account that LastPass decided to save my PIN in place of the password Robot Sad.  If I wouldn't have bought a top-up voucher from WalMart I'd probably just leave Public Mobile now.  It's pretty crazy that an online-only mobile Co. doesn't support simple password reset. What does this imply for the rest of the experience?

Mayor / Maire

@Olusam Sorry, sadly the password reset is broken, you need to contact the moderator team Click this to send the moderator team a message and include your name, account number and phone number, pin number, date of birth, mailing address and they will get back to you asoon as they can between Monday-Friday 9am-9pm (EDT) and Satuday-Sunday 9AM-7:30PM (EDT)


Why is the Self-Serve password reset functionality not working?

There is a known issue that some Community members are unable to reset their password without the help of our Moderator Team.  

What do I do if I‘m unable to reset my password?

In order to fix this problem, please contact a moderator. From there, they’ll be able to reset the password. Note that you will need to have a Community account in order to do this. Don’t have a Community account yet? Click here.

There are couple of ways you can contact our Community Moderators:

  1. Private Messaging: You can do this by searching for our unique Community Moderator’s profile avatar then, on the right-side of their profile, click on “Send this user a private message”
  1. Tagging: If you would like a Moderator to weigh-in on a discussion, simply tag the moderator account in the post you created i.e. @ModeratorTeam


In the meantime, if you need to renew or purchase your plan/add-on very quickly so that your plan does not expire, you can submit a payment through the Automated Service IVR (More information, please see the All about payments article).



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

The password reset link is not currently working. Send a private message to the moderator team. Make sure to include your Account number, name, and phone number. Use this link:



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