If you look on the plans page, you'll see on a 90 day plan, 3GB of data (1GB a month) is $111 per three months.(All of these calculations were done using Global Text and Province wide calling as the first options) This calculates out to $37 a month for 1GB per month. Picking the 6GB option increases the price, marginally, by $9. 6GB of data for 3 months ($2GB a month) costs $120 per three months, or $40 a month. 6GB is double the data of 3GB (For just $9 more that seems awesome, then you go to look at the 12GB option, and it's $186 per three months, aka $62 per month. Now, I would understand if I got Canada wide calling, but $186 is still quite high.
Short form calculations
No data on this plan = $106 per quarter, AKA $35.33/month
3GB of data on plan = $111 per quarter, AKA $37/month, Data = $5 for 3GB
6GB of data on this plan = $120 per quarter, AKA $40/month, Data = $14 for 6GB
Now, before I get to the last one, I'm gonna show you how much each GB costs on these data plans,
3GB = $1.66 per GB
6GB = $2.33 per GB
12GB of data on this plan = $186 per quarter, AKA $62/month, data = $80 for 12GB
12GB = $6.66 per GB.
Why does it jump so MUCH higher than the last too. Shouldn't the 12GB plan, go down considering the other 2 went down.
MY SUGGESTION: PM should reduce the price of this plan to $150 so that the price is more affordable, and the price per GB is comparable at $4.1 per GB instead of $6.66 per GB. I mean, the price doubles per GB on each plan, the higher you go, but I don't think it should almost TRIPLE on the highest, unless I'm wrong? Idk. It's like... when you buy bulk, things are cheaper, no? Why are bulk plans here more expensive. Idm the prices, as you are still lower, as long as it's not unecessarily higher. 😛
Anybody else agree with this assesment. If my math is off, please let me know.