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Data overlimit charges and leftovers

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello, just wondering if I go over my data limit for the month, how much will I be charged per MB? On the other hand, if I have leftover data for the month, will it be carried over to the next month? Thanks!


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@glitterz wrote:

Hello, just wondering if I go over my data limit for the month, how much will I be charged per MB? On the other hand, if I have leftover data for the month, will it be carried over to the next month? Thanks!

If you ever do find yourself where you used all your data you can always purchase a data add-on and any unused data from that does carry over.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

hi @glitterz , you will not get charged any overage since the plans are prepaid and it won't even allow you to go over your limit. As for the unused portion, unfortunately it will not carryover to the next month (I wish it does though) and it will just reset on your next cycle. However, if you purchased add-on data, then it will not expire until you used all of it. Hope that helps!

Mayor / Maire

@glitterz wrote:

Hello, just wondering if I go over my data limit for the month, how much will I be charged per MB? On the other hand, if I have leftover data for the month, will it be carried over to the next month? Thanks!

Nothing charged

Data will stop working. Data doesn"t carry forward from plan. Use it or lose it.

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