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Why does my renewal date keep changing. It keeps moving up by a couple of days

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Mayor / Maire



Do a calendar entry on your phone or tablet. Enter the exact date the last time you paid. Then have the calendar entry repeat every 30 days. 


Ie. Kristina Public Mobile Due. 


Then search the calendar for "Kristina Public Mobile Due" and then do a screen shot of it. 


You will then know exactly what dates your next payments are due. 

Mayor / Maire

@KristinaRedford ,


Yes, as @gpixel posts...your plan renews every 30 days. So if you are hoping for a consistent day of the month, unfortunately, it will fluctuate.

Works out to paying 12.166 times per year. Still worth the value, I say!


I notice this lacks in clarify for customers, including myself, when I was new.



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you

Mayor / Maire

@KristinaRedford because public mobile is a 30 day service, not monthly.

if you live in the western part of Canada, you're renewal date is actually the day before. depending on the province, anywhere from 9:00pm - 11:00pm 

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