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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin



My payment due is today, but I cannot make it because my credit card is rejected by Public Mobile. My phone is suspended now. No actual person to respond to me for this issue. What can I do? I suspect that this company is fraud.


Mayor / Maire

@sahn wrote:



My payment due is today, but I cannot make it because my credit card is rejected by Public Mobile. My phone is suspended now. No actual person to respond to me for this issue. What can I do? I suspect that this company is fraud.



Was your credit card set up for Autopay, and the Autopay failed?


OR, are you just seeing the "Suspended" message on your Self Serve account, and are all YOUR SERVICES WORKING?


If yes, this could be your account going through the normal renewal process. The SELF SERVE account can say "expired" or "suspended" on the day of or before your plan is due to renew. So if this is the case, ignore these messages on your SELF SERVE account.


If you have no services, and it is past your renewal, maybe your autopay failed?

  1. Add Funds to your Plan Amount through SELF SERVE (or by calling 611 if you have a card registered)
  2. Reboot your phone.

If this was an Autopay failure, I would let the Customer Support Agents (CSA) know.

And, also ensure all rewards were or will be provided to you.


Methods to contact the Customer Support Agents (CSA):


A voucher payment thru 611 can be the easiest way to pay and automatically reactivate your plan when your credit card and pm's finicky website and pay system all combine to be a big ball of frustration. Vouchers from 7/11, Shell stations, SDM and London Drugs are all immediately valid and loadable via 611. Alternatively RTP (real time payments) can be made at Canadian Tire gas bars and Mobil stations for a $1 fee and are loaded onto your account via your phone number.


More info on vouchers and other alternative payments can be found here....


 You can try again just click on one time payment and in the middle of the page you can click on manage my card. Then follow this procedure....


Follow this method when making a manual payment/adding a card to the account....only use the emboldened portion of the instructions if the payment card is already on file.


  1. Reboot your device.
  2. Clear your browser, use secret/incognito mode in firefox, chrome or safari.
  3. Choose replace card rather than remove card.
  4. Copy your address from your billing statement.
  5. Add your apt/unit/suite # to the street address. ie. 101-123 1ST AVE W, CITY, PROV.
  6. Do not put a space in the postal code. X0X0X0 not X0X 0X0.
  7. USE ALL CAPS if necessary.
  8. Do not use autofill. Type everything manually.

Once you successfully update your card do not attempt your payment immediately. Log out/in then go to make a payment to pay for your renewal. Otherwise if you were not suspended I would recommend a $1 test payment. Follow my further instructions for a successful payment to unsuspend your account.


Do not try more than two attempts at adding a card or payments ( successful or not) or you will continue to get this message. Wait at least 1 hour to try a third time another hour for your 5th try....and so on....and do not make more than 4 unsuccessful tries with the same card in a 24 hour period or you will trigger a fraud alert lock out requiring assistance from customer support.



Go to make a payment. Choose the "other amount" option and add $1 more than the amount owing and submit the payment. If that is successful go back to your overview page and if it does not say active  click on the reactivate button. If that works log out and reboot. If that does not work and your payment is in your balance rather than showing $1 then go to the usage or plans page. Click on lost/stolen and suspend your service. Log out/in. Resume your service. Your balance should now be $1. Log out and reboot.

Mayor / Maire

@sahn wrote:



My payment due is today, but I cannot make it because my credit card is rejected by Public Mobile. My phone is suspended now. No actual person to respond to me for this issue. What can I do? I suspect that this company is fraud.

Can you still log in to the account?

If yes, try to make another payment with a voucher or another credit card.

However, check if there is any money showing in Available Funds. If there is, that could mean the payment process didn't finish successfully. Check to see if there is a Reactivate button to click on to reactivate the account.

If you can't log in, call 611 to see what message you get.


NB: If you have issues with webpages not reloading properly or showing errors, log out and log in again via Incognito mode.

Not applicable

 @sahn : No this place is not a fraud. There's also the Instant Top-up method at a few stores.

Mayor / Maire

You could buy a voucher and call 611 to make a payment.  Another option would be to use or but there is a service charge.

Not applicable


you can Remove your credit card and Logout and

very important to do, i suggest you close all Browser and do clear cache and cookies for any Browser,

and try it for a different Browser and open incognito mode,

how to open Browser incognito mode visit Here link,

how to clear cache and cookies and History visit Here link,

and use a Browser from your computer,is better

use Browser microsoft edge or chrome latest version
and just make sure your Browser is up to date update
sometime is the Browser is not update is give a issue.

how to update your Browser visit Here link, 

and Restart your computer, is will help a lot,


and if you use a home internet please do one thing take your power internet off for about

a 1 minute and put it back on,to refreshing your network,


and log in and re entered your credit details,


just make sure your credit card number and your address match the same,

sometime your typing but is a one word or letter or number is a wrong or is missing just make sure for it.


How To Update or Remove Your Payment Card

To update or remove your credit or Visa debit card details,

1. sign in to  Self-Serve.  Once signed in,

2. click on the ‘Payment’ tab,

then scroll to the bottom of the page and select ‘Manage my card’.

you will have the option to either select ‘Replace this card’, or ‘Remove this card’.

You will need to review and confirm this change to your account,



or go sign in to Self-Serve, to review your account,

1. Click on Payment

2. Make a Payment

3. one Time Payment 

4. you will see your Amount Due:$ !

5. Payment Type: selected other ( Enter the desired payment amount )

6. how much you see at Amount Due:$ ! you will do manually enter Amount: $ ! + $1 extra

7. Tax: will collect automatically,
8. Click ‘Submit’,
9. after payment gone through, you have to do Rebooting your phone

what is mean for Rebooting the phone means to turn off your phone and turn it back on again.


10. and how much you pay the extra is will going to your account Available funds:$ ! has the amount left,
and for next bill cycle the will take it from there automatically,

and if still not fix it follow this,

  1. Add Funds to your Plan Amount through Self Serve  
  2. Go to “Plan and Add-Ons” TAB
  3. Select "Lost/Stolen Phone" TAB
  4. Select "Suspend Service" BUTTON
  5. Then, Select Resume/Reactivate Service
  6. Reboot your phone.
  7. what is mean for Rebooting the phone means to turn off your phone about 2 minutes and turn it back on.


and if still not fix it please you Have to Contact Customer Support Agent by  ,

Explain your issue they can solve your issue, they are nice service Team the will help you 100%.


Here’s how to contact Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent,

  • you can send a private message to Customer Service by CS_Agent, by Click Here link
  • You’ll need to be logged in to your Community account for the link to work.


  • please include in your message,
  • your account number, 
  • your phone number,
  • your account 4 digit pin,
  • your Email address,


  • Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent, will Response to your inbox by private message 
    Check your private message inbox (click on the envelope top right of your screen)

         Good Luck

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