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New credit card

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am trying to update my credit card online and I cant seems to make payment. I checked my card, it is valid! How can I contact a representative from public mobile?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@karincharuz  When you want to make any changes on your account clear your browser history. Reboot the device you are working from. Use secret/incognito as they work best on public mobiles site.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

You could also buy a prepaid card and use it to pay for  your account.  To enable service while this is resolved.


@ChuckYeah wrote:

Your address must match the billing address of the credit card exactly. Don't use the Apt. #/Unit # field. Use a 6 character postal code (X1X1X1), no space. Don't use special characters like # or &.


 To contact a moderator, create a support ticket:
Explain your issue to SIMON, seen below:simon.PNG


Use as few words as possible to allow the BOT to understand (e.g. no service, can't send texts, can't call out or no data). Answer Simon's questions until you get here:


@CS_Agent will respond to your concern through the community's private messaging system, usually within 48 hours.

Watch for this indicator of a private message from a moderator.



Alternatively, you may send a private message to moderator through the following link :
Contact @Moderator_Team

About @Moderator_Team
Moderator Hours: Monday-Friday: 8AM- 12AM EST; Saturday & Sunday: 8AM-10PM EST


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité


Make sure the credit card address matches what is on your statment.
1. If you live in multi-unit building, don't use the unit # or apt#. Just use the building number.
2. If the postal code on your statement has a space in the middle, left the last digit out. PM check the first 6 characters of the postal code only including the middle space.


If update card info does not work, delete the old entry and add it again.

After so many failed tries, your account may be locked.  Create a moderator support ticket for help using the ? button at the right side bottom corner of this page.

Mayor / Maire

Make sure to  leave  the apartment/suite number in the payment information section blank.

Mayor / Maire

Your address must match the billing address of the credit card exactly. Don't use the Apt. #/Unit # field. Use a 6 character postal code (X1X1X1), no space. Don't use special characters like # or &.


 To contact a moderator, create a support ticket:
Explain your issue to SIMON, seen below:simon.PNG


Use as few words as possible to allow the BOT to understand (e.g. no service, can't send texts, can't call out or no data). Answer Simon's questions until you get here:


@CS_Agent will respond to your concern through the community's private messaging system, usually within 48 hours.

Watch for this indicator of a private message from a moderator.



Alternatively, you may send a private message to moderator through the following link :
Contact @Moderator_Team

About @Moderator_Team
Moderator Hours: Monday-Friday: 8AM- 12AM EST; Saturday & Sunday: 8AM-10PM EST

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