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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Can I get a refund for unused founds?

I just changed my plan from 40$ to 10$ per month, since I am gonna travel outsite of Canada. To do so, I had to send money to my account (cause there were none, I use Autopay). When I was sending a payment, the 40$ amount was preset so it automatically transfer 40$ to my Public mobile account. However, I am gonna use only 10$ for the next month. Will I get remaining 30$ back? If yes, how can I apply for it?



@ZuzanaDemovic wrote:

Thanks Dunkman for the answer, I would keep it there for future use, however there will be none because I am moving back to Europe. That is why I changed my plan for the last months of travel before coming back to Europe...

How can I contact moderator ? 

You can submit a ticket to moderators here:

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks Dunkman for the answer, I would keep it there for future use, however there will be none because I am moving back to Europe. That is why I changed my plan for the last months of travel before coming back to Europe...

How can I contact moderator ? 

Mayor / Maire

@ZuzanaDemovic wrote:

Can I get a refund for unused founds?

I just changed my plan from 40$ to 10$ per month, since I am gonna travel outsite of Canada. To do so, I had to send money to my account (cause there were none, I use Autopay). When I was sending a payment, the 40$ amount was preset so it automatically transfer 40$ to my Public mobile account. However, I am gonna use only 10$ for the next month. Will I get remaining 30$ back? If yes, how can I apply for it?


Click on the ? in lower right side of page to start process of contacting moderator. Please be patient as it could take a day or two for a response...usually much less.

Consider leaving the excess $$ to fund your renewals, then when you get back you'll still have service...depending on how long you're planning to be gone.



Generally there is no refunds with prepaid account.  The extra money will stay in your account and can be used in the future when you return back to Canada.  


You could try to contact moderator to get funds back to your credit card, but it can take several weeks.  Easier to keep the fund in your account for future use.  

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