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registration woes

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

1: try to register but would not accept email address, so I used a different one, but why did it not accept first one??

2: brand new sim but get invalid sim error whilst registering, luckily i had another, but what do I do about the invalid one, can it be fixed or will PM send me a replacement.

3: I completed the refer a friend section but it seems to have not been accepted ??




Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for your reply

Mayor / Maire

@Anotherusername wrote:

1: try to register but would not accept email address, so I used a different one, but why did it not accept first one??

Maybe a typo or it has been used before in the system from a previous account?


2: brand new sim but get invalid sim error whilst registering, luckily i had another, but what do I do about the invalid one, can it be fixed or will PM send me a replacement.

Invalid sim usualy occur because the sim was previously activated or your browser crashed during activattion. If your browser crashed you should still be able to use it once the activation lock clears for that SIM.


3: I completed the refer a friend section but it seems to have not been accepted ??

Your $10 credit will appear in your account within 72 hours. Check with your friend to see if got the text for the referral. If not you need to notify PM and they will add it.To contact Public Mobile click here. The link sends you to the private message function and adds the moderator team as recipient for a private message. You just have to enter a title and text in the body of the message describing the problem and post. The message will be received by the moderator team and they will respond to it. You will receive the response in your private message inbox.



@Anotherusername wrote:

1: try to register but would not accept email address, so I used a different one, but why did it not accept first one??

Did you have a previous PM or Koodo account and used that email address for account purposes.  That is one reason.  


2: brand new sim but get invalid sim error whilst registering, luckily i had another, but what do I do about the invalid one, can it be fixed or will PM send me a replacement.

Where did you purchase the invalid SIM card?  You might want to try to return to vendor or if Public mobile contact moderator.  


3: I completed the refer a friend section but it seems to have not been accepted ??

You should get the $10 credit within 72 horus (usually 24 hours though).  If you have not received, you should contact moderator via private messaging.  



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Mayor / Maire

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