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why was my question removed regarding rewards?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

why would PM delete my post that had 10+ comments on it?


Indeed @Chalupa_Batman , I probably should have been more specific when I suggested asking an Oracle.

They can MOVE posts to different locations and also to the Oracle wasteland (what i like to call it) where it's not accessible to the Community.   I believe when that occurs, there's always some kind of in-message notification which specifies where it went, plus an edit noted by the corresponding Oracle.

Mayor / Maire

Hi @dabberdave 

I don't think Oracles can delete threads. I think they only have the ability to move them. I could be wrong. Take a look at this link. It may have gone there.

The system may have thought it was spam and moved it.

Mayor / Maire


Ask an oracle if they did.

Maybe @computergeek541  can assist with that?


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