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cam-mex-usa plans

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello, I´m thinking of buying a plan Can-Mex-Usa, as I travel a lot in those 3 countries, but I want to know if that means that whenever i´m in mexico, usa or canada my line will work as if I was in Canda, local calls, data, etc or will be there additional costs for calls, data, etc?



I'm in Mexico right now with that plan and it works here just as it would work at home for no extra costs. Make sure to enable Roaming Data. To dial a Cdn number just dial +1...then area code...then number. You can call most any Cdn, US or Mx number with that plan.

@francisco82  Ok thanks for the info, but the calls can be made via normal line right

Only if  your phone is "certified" VoLTE or you have tested to see if VoLTE is supported before you go (turn off wifi, turn on cellular data and make a call, phone should stay on LTE and not drop to 3G).  There is no more 3G in the USA hence the need for a phone that can do Voice over LTE.

u can make and receive calls via normal line  But always good to keep Whatsapp as a backup

you might want to make calls from Mexico or US by call +1 in front of the 10 digits (plus and a one) 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Ok thanks for the info, but the calls can be made via normal line right? or do I have to uses an app like  WhatsApp calls or FaceTime?

Mayor / Maire

@francisco82  No extra charges, works the same in all three countries but check whether your phone is on the VoLTE list here, otherwise it won't work in the USA for voice calls (text and data would still work though), and maybe in parts of Mexico too. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi @francisco82 Short answer, YES. This CAN/US/MEX will allow you to call, text and use your data in all 3 countries as if you were using it locally within Canada. You won't get billed any extra roaming or charges for LD etc because PM is a prepaid plan. So sign up as it is one of the best NA plans available to Canadians at the moment. Love it myself

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