10-01-2016 10:27 PM - edited 01-04-2022 03:35 PM
Just want to know when will change back to free shipping to order sim card? Canada post is back to normal now. Thank you!
10-04-2016 02:26 PM
10-04-2016 10:03 AM - edited 10-04-2016 10:08 AM
@Chaos_Scorpio wrote:its been discussed over and over and over. PM will not change their view on that. There is no guarentee the service will be activated and thus a loss at them. I do not see why they would do that.
Will you 100% guarentee every sim card you have gets activated? if so, then you can order 20 and receive a refund after your friends activate ... if they do not, you lucked out and lost the $10 per non activated.
No one can guarantee 100% sim card activation but so far I have provided 100% activation and no cancellation s because I have been doing the troubleshooting as well if it weren't for me these accounts would not exist at all nor would word of mouth get more customers for pm.I believe it is still too early for pm to stop offering free sim cards they aren't known enough at least in my area most ppl have never heard of Pm and ppl like me imo help them much more than the loss of a few sim cards that are not activated. Ps If I pay for the cards the refund goes to the account I activated I am not prepared to go through the hassle of getting the refund back for something I have been doing for free. With the exception of sometimes getting 1 dollar off of my bill .
10-04-2016 09:45 AM
its been discussed over and over and over. PM will not change their view on that. There is no guarentee the service will be activated and thus a loss at them. I do not see why they would do that.
Will you 100% guarentee every sim card you have gets activated? if so, then you can order 20 and receive a refund after your friends activate ... if they do not, you lucked out and lost the $10 per non activated.
10-04-2016 09:23 AM
10-04-2016 09:21 AM - edited 10-04-2016 09:22 AM
@stonechucker wrote:I totally agree. I got a couple of friends to come over from other carriers, however they each complained about having to purchase the SIM, then email for rebate when activating.
First world problems right there...
So hard to wait up to 10 days to see that $10 back (I saw it back in 3 days)? If you are Sooo worried that you need the $10 right away, how the hell can you afford the luxury of a cellphone plan? It's like not buying a fancy over priced sucks (bux) coffee for one day...
10-04-2016 09:15 AM
10-04-2016 09:05 AM
I totally agree. I got a couple of friends to come over from other carriers, however they each complained about having to purchase the SIM, then email for rebate when activating.
I originally tested a 10-day plan to make sure the service was going to work for me in late 2015. It did. I finally jumped in late August this year, and luckily was able to get a SIM without having to pay the shipping.
If I could have 2 or 3 SIMs on hand, without having to out lay the refundable shipping (first class mail is so much cheaper than express post), it would make refering friends easier.
10-03-2016 08:10 PM - edited 10-03-2016 08:15 PM
I miss the free shipping too. I always liked ordering an extra SIM card to have on hand for when referring friends to become new customers. It's always nice when you can tell someone all about how great PM is then offer them a free SIM card and help them activate right away, getting you those referral rewards. Have done this successfully three times now and I have no SIMs left. My SIM cards may not get activated right away, but I guarantee that eventually they will. Could be working on someone right now if I had a SIM to offer. PM isn't like most other companies and it takes a lot to convince someone to join. Having that SIM card on hand really helps. Come on PM, hook me up! 😞
10-02-2016 08:44 AM
They already mentioned like in above post that it is not happening. I personally have no problem with the charge. Other carriers are now charging $5-10 for the sim even without shipping it. Yes some waive the charge but some don't. On 2 occasions so far, Public has refunded the charge with no issues and quite promptly too.
Sim cards cost money. Shipping cost money. If these two things are NOT abused, then maybe that equates to lower plans and more perks going forward for everyone loyal to public. No point in allowing others that did not plan on staying to increase prices for those that do.
As mentioned by public, only about 60% activated the sim when it was free. Let's say total cost of SIM and shipping is $5. 10000 sims (40%=4000) This is still $20000 wasted cost.
10-02-2016 12:05 AM
Hi @kennethyim;
Unfortunately, don't think we will be seeing that anytime soon, here is the latest we saw from PM: "As you know, in order to be prepared for the possibility of a Canada Post strike, we made some changes to the SIM card ordering process. The change to charge customers $10 (with a rebate upon activation) for a SIM card was initiated by the strike possibility, however we discovered something very interesting. When the SIM cards were available without charge, only 60% were being activated after they were received. When we changed the process and started to charge and rebate the $10 for the SIM card, the percentage being activated increased significantly. There’s something to be said about having a bit of skin in the game which is why we have decided that, for now, we will continue to charge $10 per SIM with a rebate upon activation."
10-01-2016 10:45 PM
Hi @kennethyim,
Everyone would like to see the returning of the free shipping to order SIM card, but I don't think PM will consider that process. PM has decided to keep it like that, order your SIM card and get the refund when activate.