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When do the boxing day sales on plans and subscriptions end? I cant find it anywhere

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@Tmoney1  I agree but welcome to public mobile messaging . Just like the 75GB $40 plan only for new activations but dosent say so on main page until you actually click on it . Or the fact the $15 plan doesn’t mentioned unlimited incomming calls just says 100 calling mins . Shall I go on ? 


@Tmoney1 wrote:

of course no crystal ball. but generally sales have dates of when they are on until. I've never seen one where they do not

Be aware that PM reserves the right to alter all the plans they offer. They've been known to extend the promo for several days or weeks after initial end date. If you find a plan you want, I'd suggest jump on it whilst you can though.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

of course no crystal ball. but generally sales have dates of when they are on until. I've never seen one where they do not

Mayor / Maire

HI @Tmoney1 @  we don't know, we are just customers like you

I only suggest not to wait, get it while you can, you won't get it at all if PM pulls them off the shelf

Mayor / Maire

@Tmoney1  No one has a crystal ball to know . But I suspect by Jan 1-2 they wil end . pM changes the plans frequently 

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