a week ago
We purchased US roaming add-on for my daughter before we left on holidays. Now we are here and it is not working. When we log in, it says we purchased the 15 day plan. Any suggestions??
a week ago
hi @Mw7-
the phone not connected to any US network?
what phone does she have?
try changing the network mode to 4G / LTE first, then manually select T-Mobile , AT&T or Verizon (try all these Networka and see which one works)
a week ago
she should have no problems send or receiving email and messages. If her cell isn't VoLTE compliant, she likely can't make or receive calls as VoLTE is required for use in USA now. If you can let us know the make and model of her cellphone...maybe we can give you guidance.
a week ago
@Mw7- wrote:We purchased US roaming add-on for my daughter before we left on holidays. Now we are here and it is not working. When we log in, it says we purchased the 15 day plan. Any suggestions??
Hey @Mw7-
Go into your network settings and turn off automatic and pick T-Mobile. Make sure data roaming is also turned on and then reboot.
Which phone is she using?