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Stop Service and keep my phone number and plan

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi Team, 

I will go outside of Canada for half year. Is there a way I could stop Service and keep my phone number and plan for half a year? 

Also, I know there is a way for no subscription for 90 days. How much monthly fee do I need to pay if I pause my service?




Mayor / Maire

Indeed @LiDeliang 

If you're only going to be gone for 180 days, then at most, you'll have to make 2 x $15 payments to retain the number/account while you're away.

Depending on the timing of when you leave (i.e. where it is in your remaining cycle) you might also be able to let the plan end, then begin the 90 day suspension cycle, then on day 85-87 renew on the $15 plan, it'll end after 30 days, then you'll have another 90 days until account permanently deactivates.

So at most $30, at least $15 to retain it.

Just be CERTAIN to renew the plan at least a few days prior to the 90 days in case Public Mobile is doing maintenance or something on day 89 or 90.  

Happy Travels!!!


Mayor / Maire

@LiDeliang   You can pause your account for 90 days from when the next payment is due (or 120 days from last payment date) by removing the autopay (subscribe) option in your self serve account.  However, make sure to come back and make a payment before the 90 days are up (recommended around day 86/87) otherwise the account and number would be deactivated once the 90 days is up.  Then you can repeat this cycle as long as you need it.

You can also change to the $15 plan (if not on it already) to save money for the renewal, however, if you're on a grandfathered plan and want to keep it, then you will not be able to get back on any discontinued plan once a plan change is made.

edit:  @LiDeliang   BTW, if you have an account balance enough to fund the next renewal (or the cycle when you plan on traveling), then disabling autopay/subscribe option won't stop the account from renewing.  In this instance you would need to put it into lost/stolen mode and then would need to remove lost/stolen mode before being able to make a payment around day 86 of suspension to keep the number/account from being deactivated.

Mayor / Maire

@LiDeliang To add to what @Chalupa_Batman posted, once you renew/pay for the $15 plan you are actually good for 120 days. The plan runs 30 days and you have 90 days after it fails to renew, to reactivate the account. Best to do it a few days early incase there are any hiccups.

Mayor / Maire

Hi @LiDeliang 

The only real way to do it is turn off auto subscribe, then log back in every 80 days and pay the lowest cost which is $15.00. Then once paid and subscribed, turn off subscription again and come back in another 80 days and repeat the cycle. You just have to ask yourself, is it really worth doing this to keep your number? I guess it really depends how long you've been with Public Mobile and if you have Legacy Rewards.

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