5 hours ago
I have an international plan however Bulgaria is not part of that plan nor is a plan available to purchase. I need to know what will happen if a customer calls me from Bulgaria? Will their call go straight to voicemail and will they be able to leave a message or will the call? Just keep on ringing? I just need to make sure I’m not gonna be missing out on calls.
2 hours ago
As long as you're in Canada, it is irrelevant where the incoming calls originates from. Outgoing calls are a different story, as are incoming calls if you're not in Canada.
5 hours ago
Anybody can call YOU. Even from Space Station. But YOU cannot call everybody; only those as per your plan OR those countries in particular add-ons.
YOU will NOT pay anything for incoming call; caller might pay depending on THEIR plan in their countries.
5 hours ago
@MummaBear Anyone anywhere in the world can call you at no additional cost to you. It will ring the same as any other caller from Canada.
5 hours ago - last edited 5 hours ago
You will be able to accept the call as it’s incoming. As long as you answer the phone when it rings you will be fine. Keep in mind you will not be able to call them (make outgoing call to Bulgaria) as Public Mobile cannot do calls outside of this list:
Countries included in international long distance include: Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Venezuela.
If you miss the call they will be able to leave you a voicemail. You should be able to text the person.