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Re: Voucher "Trans Fee" @ Petro-Canada

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Why are vouchers  resulting in double taxation? 15 % tax here in NS along with 15% tax from the account itself? This doesn't make any sense.


no, you got misunderstand

if you buy a $30 voucher, you got charged $34.50 with the tax.  

you then load the voucher into My Account and it will show $30 as Available funds

if your plan is $30, then PM will use the $30 Available funds to renew, no more tax

if your plan is $40, then PM will use the $30 available fund and then charge $10+tax  to your credit card (remember only $10+tax not $40+tax, so you still get charged tax once , just partially on the voucher, partially on the credit card)


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So are you saying that if I buy 30 dollar voucher and here in NS actually pay 34.50 then the amount of 34.50 will be credited to my PM account?

Mayor / Maire

there is no double tax problem with voucher.  You will only charged tax when you bought the vouchers in store.  When you load the voucher into PM, it is the full amount of that voucher that will be used for renewal.  PM will not charge tax again.  They will only charge tax if the voucher does not cover the full renewal , even that, PM will charge the tax only the the extra that they need to get from credit card

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