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Re: The Guide to Headache-Free PM Signup

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

As a new customer I had a stuck port and couldn't get incoming calls for 10 days, although data was working so it took some time to notice. Is there any way to get my billing cycle switched to when my service was actually functioning? Public Mobile porting centre said they tried calling me to alert me to the issue, but that was obviously never going to work since I couldn't get incoming calls! Glad to have eventually found their number on this forum. 🙂 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
Here’s how to contact the Moderator Team (Public Mobile representative) for assistance:Start a conversation with the virtual assistant, SIMon. It’ll take you to relevant help articles, or if it’s something more urgent, it can help you submit a ticket to the Moderator Team. Choose the chat bubble in the lower right hand corner and follow the prompts.

Alternatively, you can send a private message to the Moderators ( You’ll need to login first to your Community account for the link to work.

Mayor / Maire


Your old service is working until the last moment when it's switched to Publicmobile, so you can use it

You can still dial out text out and use data, so technically the service is provided and functional. I bet my life there is a small print someplace (with every provider) that if you agree to port number from outside you will have to accept the pain and headache of the process.

I highly suggest fongo as alternative number, backup and even support of this service (if you have higher needs for voicemail or limited minutes). For unlimited usa calling i would suggest TextNow, if you bother to maintain their number (have to make call/text every 30 days) it's also great alternative number

Welcome to Publicmobile and happy savings:)

@masondking wrote:

I'm a newbie. How would I contact a moderator? 

You would go to to open a ticket.  After SIMon (the automated helper) determines that a moderator is needed to help you, you will be given the option to reach out to them.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm a newbie. How would I contact a moderator? 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@masondking did they not try contacting on the alternate number you provided?


You can try asking mods but my experience is that it Probably won't happen  especially as you were using the service.


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