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Purchased 1000 U.K talk minutes add-on, still not working?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Purchased 1000 U.K talk minutes and payment has gone through successfully. It appears on plan details but isn't working. Turned phone on and off, when I try and ring - it tells me talk is not included in my plan.


Mayor / Maire


So I looked up the number for TfL (Transport for London), and it is listed as 0343 222 1234


So, adding +44 (hold 0 to type a "+" ) and dropping the 0, the number becomes:

+44 343 222 1234

Or, using 011 in place of the "+":

011 44 343 222 1234


I was able to successfully call the number with both of those formats.


Please test with the above numbers, and this will confirm if your calling is working or not. If so, re-confirm the number you are trying to dial.

Mayor / Maire

@Ashley10 wrote:

Purchased 1000 U.K talk minutes and payment has gone through successfully. It appears on plan details but isn't working. Turned phone on and off, when I try and ring - it tells me talk is not included in my plan.

@Ashley10    Make sure you're omitting the zero that's part of the 4 digit local area city code.

Mayor / Maire

Make sure the number you are trying to call does not have any of the following UK codes.


Calls made to numbers starting with the following UK codes are not included in UK calling from Canada and will not be completed when dialled: 4470, 44870-44879, 44843-44845.

Not applicable

 @Ashley10 : Can you confirm that K is a K and not an S? There's also a 1000 minute US add-on.

Mayor / Maire

@Ashley10 wrote:

Purchased 1000 U.K talk minutes and payment has gone through successfully. It appears on plan details but isn't working. Turned phone on and off, when I try and ring - it tells me talk is not included in my plan.

Can you confirm you are dialling correctly.


To call United Kingdom from Canada, dial:

011 - 44 - Area Code - Land Phone Number

011 - 44 - 10 Digit Mobile Number

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