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Public mobile phone network down in Calgary on 04 Feb 2025

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

All my public family mobile phone down today 04 Feb 2025.
All happened at the same time in Calgary.

No inform, no email,... what is the service ????


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


The public mobile still down today. What I should do next ????
Move to other provider or wait ???

Oh my god what terrible  the service !!!!


not much you can do but wait.... sounds like it could be a local issue ...that happen from time to time.    Can you go for a drive around to see if the phone will work in a different area of town ?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I already submitted to 

The last one, they requested many private information so I did not submit.

What to do next for me now??? Waiting only, but for how long ?

hi @Chalupa_Batman 

but those problems not mobile related 

@Hoang0902 wrote:

I checked account, no problem,  but still down. Can not make call
My first daughter, public mobile too, in Edmonton is OK
But me, my wife and my second daughter in Calgary, BEIL avenue NW,  All down now !!!!! Why ???

Since this seems to be a system problem, there may be a problem with the tower in your area. You can reach out to a CS Agent using @hTideGnow links to let them know there is a problem in the area. But I would check that link I sent every 30 minutes to see if it's updated.

EDIT: You can also report it through this button here.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Cheked, all fine but still down !!!! Why

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I checked account, no problem,  but still down. Can not make call
My first daughter, public mobile too, in Edmonton is OK
But me, my wife and my second daughter in Calgary, BEIL avenue NW,  All down now !!!!! Why ???

Mayor / Maire

hi @Hoang0902 

Telus has not confirmed the outage in Calgary yet

but report it to support first 

you can  submit by direct message: 

Support will reply via Community inbox here within 2 to 4 hours:

Mayor / Maire

@Hoang0902 wrote:

All my public family mobile phone down today 04 Feb 2025.
All happened at the same time in Calgary.

No inform, no email,... what is the service ????

Hello @Hoang0902 

If there is an outage in your area, here is where you can look

The only other explanation is the credit card you used expired or something is wrong with it and it cancelled all the accounts and needs attention. You should log in to your account and confirm this. This of course if you're using the same credit card for all of the accounts.

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