4 weeks ago
My phone stopped making calls. I can text, go online, use messenger but when I call it will not connect. when someone calls me it goes right to voicemail. Any suggestions as to why?
4 weeks ago
@BKNS27 wrote:Did you recently port over from another carrier?
Not being able to make outgoing calls isn't related to number porting. That would still work even if number porting failed.
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
can you recieve calls?? do you have older plan with limited outgoing calls and you used up?or if you should have unlimited outgoing calls, try reboot phone, try Reset Network settings
but PM has some national issue with voice yesterday and it could be related. Ak PM to check. Just open ticket with PM using the Orange Chatbot icon on the lower right. (For 2FA when login, you might need to use email to receive if you cannot receive the text on the phone.) Type the question Submit ticket and select Contact Us to get to ticket open screen
or message them using this link: