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Overcharged me. Why i am not suprised?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I used to have the 25 unlimited tatk/text. Then Tel...  ''couch couch" Public Mobile decide to raise it's cost by 3$ unless we use autopaiement; that's what i did. Bad idea, PM charched me 38$ on my credit card without prior notice and now that's what it will cost me for the same service as i can see in my account. Well, why i am not suprised; that what Bell and Telus does anyway.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

not trying to defend PM, but you can't expect people to spoonfeed you.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@espritdautomne   the $25 plan has been around for 6 months.  why have you not switched?  your post seems to me as you are blaming PM for not advising you of the the new offer or even simply switching you.  your plan and the $25 plan are different, your plan has call center support this one doens't.  


With both rounds of increases I believe sms were sent and advance notice was posted on the forums with opportunity to switch to a koodo plan for the old price, switch to an inmarket plan and get loyalty rewards, or accept the pay increase. 


By doing nothing you accepted the price increase.   If you feel you have been mistreated then vote with your wallet and find another company, else as mentioned above switch to an in market plan and start getting your rewards (2-3 loyalty and 2$ autopay)


Of the three prepaid options I do think PM does offer the best value because they have only provincial and canada wide zones while the others have local zones.   

@espritdautomne, why after a month are you still complaining about this?  You have the ability to change the plan, if you disagree with the charges you are paying for the price increases that were made in 2017: and 2018.  Those price increases, on the Legacy plans were designed to cover the ongoing call centre your plan still has acres too, where other newer, non-Legacy clients, get lower prices, because we do not have the call centre access.


Youve been advised correctly, that the charge is not wr9ng, as taxes are applied to increased posted cost.  If you prefer the cost of the in market plan, then switch to it, and forgo the voice call Centre support.

@espritdautomne Why cant you just move to an advertised plan? Plus you will get to keep your loyalty rewards.

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Well, **bleep** that, why should i pay like  38$ when you advertise 25$+taxes for the same services ( ) .

So nobody can blame me feeling that i am getting deeply fisted here by the big green T over here. I was a loyal and paying customer to PM since the beginning, even after Telus/koodo brought it, and with it, the multiple call drops (that got fixed at least).

I would expect to get **bleep**ed in that fashion by BELL but now i can add Telus/Koodo to the list. As for me, i'm switching, there is no way i should pay more than what is advertised and if you are telling me to read the fine print, maybe then you should shink down the font size of the "25" also so i can find thoses fine prints, if there are any.

Thanks (pre-telus) Public Mobile, it was a great ride but there's a time when you need to get **bleep**ed by some other telecomuncation company and hope for the best.


Thanks anyway to have taken some time to answer my messages; nothing personnal against anyone in here.

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Good morning @espritdautomne,


thank you for taking the time to post on our community!


I'm really sorry to hear about the recent charge - since the plans did only increase by 3$, you should not be getting charged 38$ + tax. Can you please send us a private message including your details? We will gladly look into the situation for clarification.


I look forward to hearing from you,



** Please do not post private info such as: phone number, account number, pin etc.. This is a public forum. **

Mayor / Maire


I used to have the 25 unlimited tatk/text. Then Tel...  ''couch couch" Public Mobile decide to raise it's cost by 3$ unless we use autopaiement; that's what i did. Bad idea, PM charched me 38$ on my credit card without prior notice and now that's what it will cost me for the same service as i can see in my account. Well, why i am not suprised; that what Bell and Telus does anyway.

Are you on a legacy plan? As in signed up before January 2015 and no plan changes since?


If so... There was a second plan price increase on those plans as of February 15, 2018, here is the official statement from PM: The reality is that they can change their price structure however they want as long as they give notice. (I think there was also an according text sent to legacy customers.)


So, the $25 legacy plan is now $25 + $3 (price increase in early 2017) + $5 (price increase in February 2018) = $33 + tax. So depending on your province $38 sounds about right?


I don't think you still have access to that Koodo migration offer, mentioned in the post above, but you could alwas switch to a cheaper in-market plan. You'd have to call *611 to make the switch - they want to make sure that you understand that you'll loose access to customer service over the phone and that all your support goes through this community (with private messages to the moderators = Public Mobile employees).

Find a chart on in-market options in this post:


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


I used to have the 25 unlimited tatk/text. Then Tel...  ''couch couch" Public Mobile decide to raise it's cost by 3$ unless we use autopaiement; that's what i did. Bad idea, PM charched me 38$ on my credit card without prior notice and now that's what it will cost me for the same service as i can see in my account. Well, why i am not suprised; that what Bell and Telus does anyway.

Another user had an issue with their plan changing


That is bizarre.  Probably best to contact the Moderator Team to ensure that everything is fine with your account.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

What plan do you have now?  Do you still have the $25 talk/text?  Keep in mind that taxes are added to your plan when your credit card is charged, though $38 doesn't seem like the correct amount.

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