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New 5g plan ...should I change????

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi, currently on the 3g 1gig plan.   Just noticeed the 5g 50gig plan.  90 day subscription drops it down to 34.00 a month. 

My questions are phone is not 5g compatible....will it still work on this plan??

                                   I have loyality rewards....5.00  and 2.00 for auto pay. Do I lose these when changing plans??

                                  Basically it's 150 gigs for 3 months ....if I go over that amount do I have still have data??? Throttled maybe?

                                   How are the taxes calculated?? before or after the rebates??


                                Typically I don't need this much data but up north at the cottage ( No wifi ) it will come in handy  to watch some football or Netflix.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I changed to 5g plan and sending MMS stopped. PM does not guarantee whether your phone will work or not.

If you do private message, every time you will be contacted with different person and they will ask you try this try that over and over and over and over again.

And in my case I can't go back to my previous 4g plan because it's been discontinued. Hope you don't have to go through this. Good luck!

@atticuss66 wrote: let me get this straight....5.00 loyality + 6.00 auto pay will be applied at the beginning of next billing cycle ( march )....the remaining 10.00  loyality will be applied for July's cycle. 

That's not quite how it works.

The only difference between the rewards for 30-day compared to 90-day plan is the timing of the rewards. 

30 day plan:  loyalty, autopay, refer-a-friend rewards  paid out every 30 days

90 day plan:  Everything happens the same way except for autopay being paid out as $6 once per 90-day. There will be no difference for refer-friend and loyalty rewards (still paid out every 30 days). 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen let me get this straight....5.00 loyality + 6.00 auto pay will be applied at the beginning of next billing cycle ( march )....the remaining 10.00  loyality will be applied for July's cycle. 

@atticuss66 wrote:

Thanks for replies.... so loyality 5.00 x3 =15

                                       Auto pay 2.00 x 3= 6

                                    21.00 in Loyality cash...not bad......

I guess I have to wait ...just paid on the 6th for this month on my current plan           

As mentioned above, you should schedule a plan change at next renewal. Nobody knows when Public Mobile is yanking this plan - if you have the change scheduled at renewal, it will change to it even if it's no longer in the line-up. Take a screen shot of the plan change page and the payment prediction page so that you have a leg to stand on if something during renewal / change night doesn't work properly and you need CSA intervention after.


Re rewards: You will not get 3 x rewards upfront. The new system is programmed that all $ rewards for RAF and loyalty are applied at the end of the cycle and/or every 30 days. Autopay rewards are added to available funds in the afternoon before renewal night (night 30 or 90)

If you switch from 30 days to 90 days, you'll only find auto pay, RAF and loyalty rewards for the 30day cycle in your available funds = applied to the plan change. But then (assuming that you get the full $5 for loyalty):
- Afternoon of day 30: RAF (number of active referrals x $1; Loyalty: $5.00 are added to available funds.
- Afternoon of day 60: RAF (number of active referrals x $1; Loyalty: $5.00 are added to available funds.
- Afternoon of day 90: RAF (number of active referrals x $1; Loyalty: $5.00 and $6 (3 x $2) for autopay are added to available funds.

Unless you have used some available funds to buy add-ons during your cycle, on renewal night your available funds are 3 times your 30day rewards (plus any funds you've manually loaded, of course). The system is taking (plan cost - available funds) + tax from your credit card.

(Community rewards, if applicable, are added to available funds as they are handed out.)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ok...change plan at next renewal....good idea to do this soon

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

The self serve portal has a "Change on Renewal" option that allows you to schedule the change to happen automatically at the next cycle.


Hi @atticuss66 

You can schedule the plan change by using Change on Renewal option.  Schedule the change now in case the plan is gone 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for replies.... so loyality 5.00 x3 =15

                                       Auto pay 2.00 x 3= 6

                                    21.00 in Loyality cash...not bad......

I guess I have to wait ...just paid on the 6th for this month on my current plan           


yes...all Rewards will still apply. Just never opt for Points...they suck.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Do you guys know if my auto pay rewards would be applied??? Currently I get 2.00 per maybe 6.00 for 90 days??

Hi @atticuss66 yes, it will work on the 4G network and you will enjoy a speed close to 250Mbps

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Xiaomi..MT 9  is the phone

Mayor / Maire

Hi @atticuss66 

Non 5G phone can still use the 4G network and enjoy the same amount of data and the great speed

rewards would br same per every 30 days, so, you will get 3x the rewards in that 90 days

Taxes are based on your phone number area code and taxed on the amount they charged on your credit card, ie (Plan $ -Rewarss ) * tax %

The data is significantly more than your current plan, but if use it to watch video, it can be gibe easily if you watch a lot.  But monitor the data and slow down the usage if needed

Mayor / Maire


The 5G will connect to the maximum of your phone…4G/LTE or 3G.

All rewards will remain the same so your Legacy Reward will transfer over to the new plan.

The Points Reward is volunteering to switch over so DON’T switch because it is not as good as the Legacy Rewards system.

You will need to pay upfront $102 - rewards plus taxes.

Mayor / Maire


excellent opportunity to get a plan with much data..without breaking the bank. You won't lose your rewards as usual. After 150 MB's data is consumed, it drops to 250mbps 512 kbps to allow continued further costs until regular plan renewal.

ed...what make / model phone ?

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