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Made monthly Payment, service is still suspended

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have made a payment for my monthly plan but my phone number is still suspended. When I logged into Public mobile app, it had me start over like a new customer and choose plan and phone number. But when I entered my existing phone number, it shows an error "invalid phone number". Please advise fast, as I'll loose my number today, @CS_Agent 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@softech yes, I did send customer service a message as I also cannot open the ticket, it gives me an error. I will wait for their reply. Thanks a lot for your help though.

@shahidazaheer1  Resume service option you clicked was right and usually would resume the service immediately

Yes, what you got from the app was not correct (unless you logged in via another email to the app earlier and the app cache was mixed up.  In such case, clear cache, clear data and try again)

But i still suggest you to open ticket with support and see what they can do


             Click "Yes, I'm a customer", then click "Sign In", once signed in, ignore the choices and type "Contact agent"
              Then click "Contact Us", and click "My Account".  Finally click "Click here to submit a ticket ↗ " and you can open the ticket
2. Or if you have trouble with Chatbot, Private message CS agent at 
**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I did log in but it gives me an option to either resume reactivation or go to login page. When I click on resume activation I get an error (please see screenshot) and when go to login page takes me back to starting of login page. @softech 

I thought that too that I don't have to click on transfer number but when I logged in through app, the only option was to start over, like to select new plans and numbers.2.PNG

@shahidazaheer1  you click "Transfer number" on Profile page?  You don't click that.  Transfer number is to port number from another provider

was your plan suspended before you pay? You have made a payment now, if it was successful, please login My Acocunt again using Incognito mode and check if the amount is sitting as Available Fund, and is account stastus still showing Suspended?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

yes, the charge went through and I use the same email address I have used before Eversafe id, but when I made the payment there was another step to choose the number, and when I click on "Transfer number" and enter my existing phone number it says, "invalid phone number". @softech 

Mayor / Maire

HI@shahidazaheer1   , how you made a payment then? using *611 ? or via Pre-authorized payments?


HI @shahidazaheer1  please check your credit card to confirm if PM did take the charge

and reboot the phone and test. 

Also call *611 and check the account status

For the login issue, look like you have not completed the new EverSafe id setup.  Or your current id is not linked to your My Account yet.  Are you using the same email address to login ? or a different one?  If you are using a different one, please use the same email you used before for logging in My Acocunt and try to login again

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