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Is data at reduced speeds useable ?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

After one uses all of their allotted data at 5G or 4g plans at what speed is the unlimited data at reduced speeds. For example can one still do a simple google search or sent emails?

I did ask a similar question before and was advised that data would be reduced to 512kps - but what can you do with it?



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I was responding to a comment by another member that stated that GPS doesn’t use much data. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hi and sorry- I misunderstood your answer and did revise my post but you beat me to it. 

@Wayworn wrote:

I didn’t know this - I thought that only the higher priced 5G PM plans  offered the unlimited data at reduced speeds . Are you sure that even the 3gb data 4G plans have unlimited data at reduced speeds?


if you read my reply, I already said " no plan with 3GB or less than 1GB has reduced speed offered".   

You are also aware that "only higher priced 5G PM plans offered unlimited data at reduced speeds".  Then how would your comment "one is on a low data plan of say 3 or even less 1 gb plan just 3 on the fly  step by step navigation trips would eat that up" related to your original discussion about if "reduced speeds useable"


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thanks - but if one is on a lots of data 5G plan then the unlimited data at reduced speeds would most likely never used. 

@Wayworn wrote:

Ok but as I said , if one has tons of data that’s really insignificant HOWEVER if one is on a low data plan of say 3 or even less 1 gb plan just 3 on the fly  step by step navigation trips would eat that up.  


you are contradicting yourself

The subject to your question was "Is data at reduced speeds useable ?"   Please note that no plan with 3GB or less than 1GB has reduced speed offered


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Ok but as I said , if one has tons of data that’s really insignificant HOWEVER if one is on a low data plan of say 3 or even less 1 gb plan just 3 on the fly  step by step navigation trips would eat that up.  

hi @Wayworn 

the full offline map for a large area is only less than 200Mb.  So, if you are navigating, the download on the fly would be less than that. 

For myself, a full day trip navigation uses around 100-200Mb only with map already downloaded.  So, the full day usage without downloaded map (map download on the fly)  would be around 300Mb.  Using 512kbps for navigation for a 300Mb would definitely doable and would not be too slow or laggy

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

You say GPS doesn’t use much data and that’s confirmed by a google search. However in my case it uses significant amounts of data . Wonder why that is?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Wayworn on my commute to work I sometimes take some back country roads (on the advice of my GPS of choice, Waze) and at times my signal strength drops to 3G and sometimes less. When that happens my GPS still works but streaming music freezes for several minutes at a time and it so annoying that I'd rather take a slightly longer route so that my music can continue without freezing. I guess it would depend on the person, if the freezing music doesn't bother you than maybe there a better deals out there but I think even 3G is going to go the way of the dinosaur as I think even PM no longer advertises plans at that speed

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@slusagm wrote:

GPS does not use a lot of data, even with map download, but of course, it is better to download offline map ahead

for music, as long his not hd music, it's shouldn't be too bad.  A bit of buffering, but can tolerate 

Hey .... hey.... all this almost sounds too good to be true and makes me think that high data plans are just a waste of money. 

GPS does not use a lot of data, even with map download, but of course, it is better to download offline map ahead

for music, as long his not hd music, it's shouldn't be too bad.  A bit of buffering, but can tolerate 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@slusagm should be okay if you are not doing too much, simple searches or GPS should work fine but if you try doing multiple things then forget it, for example GPS and music streaming, the GPS will likely work but music will freeze and forget about video

Mayor / Maire

yes, it is not bad with 512kbps.  Definitely can google search and web browser and email. Light stream music could also be done.  Just avoid games and video streaming

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