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I wanted to change my plan and I found that the change to a more expensive plan was one way. Why?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have three Quebec numbers. In these three accounts,

All three lines are Quebec number on 4G speed.

first currently it is $23, Can choose $25/10GB, $30/20GB

second currently it is $19, Can choose $20/3GB, $23/6GB, $25/10GB, $30/20GB

third currently it is $15, Can choose $19/1GB, $20/3GB, $23/6GB, $25/10GB, $30/20GB

It seems that changes in plans can only be made in a more expensive direction. It cannot be changed to a cheaper one. Is this a system failure or a deliberate rule by the PM?



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@60_inch_tool I discovered this rule by accident. First of all, this restriction is unreasonable. Secondly, even if Public Mobile has the right to set this up, it should remind consumers on obvious issues that plan changes are one-way and upward.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

All I need is the $23/6GB plan... But I can't access that from my account. It's so aggravating. So I'm stuck paying $7 more per month, with taxes that's an extra $100 a year... For a service I don't need.  It's absurd.

hi @60_inch_tool 

what plan you want to change to? 

you might be able to see a $30 or $35 plan if your current plan is $30

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I also experienced this recently. I was so frustrated. I've been with public for 6 years. Early on I upped my plan to $30/2GB... Back then it was a decent price, especially with auto-pay discount, loyalty discount and a referral. By the time they forced the change to public points, I was paying $22, which I was more than happy with. They forced the change and gave us a big data bonus, with the explanation that I couldn't reduce the price of my plan without losing ALL of the bonuses I'd acquired over the years. So my plan became $30 per month, and I waited for the bonus data to expire. When it did, I logged in to make the change to my account. Through a glitch in their system, I could see all of the plans, and had chosen one to downgrade to, but couldn't actually activate it. The next day, the glitch was fixed and all those plans disappeared. I could only "upgrade" getting 20GB for $30. A much more reasonable plan, BUT I don't need all that data. I'm a stay at home mom and I am at home on wifi 95% of my time. I contacted customer support, looking for help... They told me those plans were only for new customers. So in order to access them, I have to leave PM and come back, losing all my bonuses attached to my account in the meantime. It's ludicrous.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Handy1 You can do this if you have an account without any referral bonuses.

@Y6688  Same here here in the maritimes right i think any plan below $30 is considered cheap plan anyways less then $1 a day and what can ya buy for a $1 anymore . And with porting so easy it’s not like your trapped in high priced plan when paying under $30 and one could just create new account with desired plan if the really wanted it badly enough 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Handy1 All I can say is: $15-$19-$20-$23-$25 in 4G speed in Quebec is a one-way change. Because I activated 5 accounts this month, I discovered this hidden rule.PM should tell consumers about this rule.The people around me are students and they are very price sensitive.

@Y6688  No I see plans $30 and up was on the $34 plan but it wasn’t the most expensive plan right now that the $55 plan but others on the $39 and $40 $30 plan to change to . Things have changed and it for the best when we used to just jump back and forth from top priced plan back down to the $15 plan those days seem gone . But ya can’t say it’s one way street as some can still downgrade  plans . I have. 60GB $75 90 days plan and can cache that to $25 plan 30 day also 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Maybe the most expensive plan can be downgraded to the second most expensive, I haven't tried that. In your account, can you see plans under $25? please let me know! Thanks

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Recently, I invited several friends to join PM. Since they were all operated by me, I discovered this invisible rule. If you choose the $15 plan for the first time, you can see all your options after your account is generated. If you choose the $23 option for the first time, you will never have the opportunity to choose the $15, $19, or $20 option again.

@Y6688  It’s true that it’s easy to upgrade plan price and harder to downgrade plan price ,  it dosent mean you can never downgrade plan price . Did you see my screen shot of downgrading from $34 to $30 plan . So it’s not just a one way street and you can only upgrade that’s not correct 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This surprised me!!! If you don't understand this rule, once you need more GB in a certain month, you won't be able to reduce it after adding it. This is a very bad result.

Mayor / Maire

HI @Y6688 

PM is now using targeted marketing and only provided selected plans for subscribers to change, so not everyone sees the same plans.  Not something people like, don't know when PM will stop doing that.

So, you can only change to plans the system offers you.

Mayor / Maire

@Y6688  That’s the way public mobile wants it so you only upgrade plan price . Some can down grade depending on the plan there on like right now I’m on $34 plan and able to downgrade to $30 plan but it harder to downgrade grade plan these days 



Mayor / Maire

@Y6688 wrote:

I have three Quebec numbers. In these three accounts,

All three lines are Quebec number on 4G speed.

first currently it is $23, Can choose $25/10GB, $30/20GB

second currently it is $19, Can choose $20/3GB, $23/6GB, $25/10GB, $30/20GB

third currently it is $15, Can choose $19/1GB, $20/3GB, $23/6GB, $25/10GB, $30/20GB

It seems that changes in plans can only be made in a more expensive direction. It cannot be changed to a cheaper one. Is this a system failure or a deliberate rule by the PM?


That is correct @Y6688 . You can only move upwards according to Public Mobile. 

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