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I have noticed that as PM E-Sims not as robust, and with Plans Changing and Add-On Data gripes.....

Mayor / Maire

Would it be more prudent for PM to perhaps put the E-Sims and 5G LTE Advanced speeds Plans on Hold and focus on the 4G LTE Advanced stuff, Rolling the VoLTE, All Call-Forwarding options, getting the Add-Ons Data Timed usage to something that PPL might agree is more appropriate, so, If Not Roll Over, At very Least, 90 Days-150 Day Usage, this way, at least give people the time to properly use them, 30 Day is too short


Plus, This Less for Less Motto is in my Opinion, Not the right Way for PM to move forward, This could be the Pandora's Box in the Long-Term


If they focused on the 4G LTE Advanced stuff, putting the 5G LTE Advanced stuff and E-Sim on Hold for the time being, and getting the VoLTE, All Call-Forwarding Options and Data Add-Ons functioning properly and increased 4G Speeds to 150MB, Add-On Data from 30 Day to between 90-150 Day, and get those right, then revisit the 5G LTE Advanced speed Plans and E-Sim and get those Up and Running Correctly, then focus on Tier 2 Premium stuff, Add-Ons Only Formula, that might make PM more stronger and more reliable in the long run, as it stands, PM is spread too thin on all these other things and not enough thought on priorities currently


Here's What I think PM needs to really Consider doing at some point in the future:


1)  Put 5G , Unlimited Data and E-Sim on Hold temporarily

2)  Reconfigure the Plans to make better sense, as well as Increase the 4G LTE Advanced speeds from 100MB to 150MB

3)  Get the VoLTE to work on All devices ASAP

4)  Get All the Variety Forward Call Options to work properly

5)  Get the Data Add-Ons Expiry Time corrected to something that makes better sense, the 30 Day is by far a Non-Starter, a 90-150 Day would be better appropriate as well as allowing time for Add-On to be Consumed in Better Realistic timeframe, Perhaps a Cap also on How many Data Add-Ons, so that PM Clients  need not waste $$$$ on Add-Ons that might go to waste

6) Consider scrapping the 3G Plans as there's Only 2, Streamline and organize Plans Better


The 4G LTE Advanced speeds Plans Price and Formats I would recommend:


$15 for 500MB and 300 Mins Can-Wide and Unlim Global Txt

$20 for 4GB and 600 Mins Can-Wide and Unlim Global Txt

$25 for 8GB and Unlim Can-Wide and Unlim Global Txt

$30 for 15GB and Unlim Mins Can-Wide and Unlim Global Txt

$40 for 15GB and Unlim Can-Wide and Unlim Global Txt

$45 for 25GB and Unlim Can-Wide and Unlim Global Txt

$50 for 30GB and Unlim Can-Wide + Unlim Global Txt + US L-D

$55 for 40GB and Unlim Can-Wide + Unlim Global Txt + US L-D

$60 for 50GB for Both Can and US + Unlim Can-US + Global Txt


Add the 90 Day Option for Plans from $25 upwards

Unlim Data with Throttle Speeds, 512kbps Or at least 1MB, perhaps for the More Pricier Plans very least with Call + Txt, like the $55 and up, Not the Standalone Data Plans Only

Introduce Premium Short Codes that either require funds in Digital Wallet, Or an Add-On-Based format

Introduce Wi-Fi Calling and Premium Visual Voicemail, Add-On Model Only

As there's Whatsapp, WeChat, Visual Call would seem to be more Obsolete and perhaps Out of Date

Introduce More Countries to the Roaming Add-On List, Even if it's Data and Txt Only, as there being Whatsapp, Conventional Calling perhaps would be more Considered less crucial while the Data and Txt More $$$$ worthy

This would be what I think PM should do as first steps to strengthen PM's Hand


Then, when Things begin to stabilize better




E-Sim for Phones and then Later on Watches and other devices

Then, Introduce Standalone Data-Only Plans for Tablets

Perhaps: Examples

$15 for 10GB Data

$25 for 20GB Data

$35 for 30GB Data


5G should be made for a later time when it's a bit more mature, Very Least 

Thoughts on this very least


PM should aim for the Tier 1.5 to a 2.5 Spot


If they offered a Postpaid Version of what the Prepaid is, No Call centers, still a BYOD, Community-Based, etc, this could disrupt the Conventional Way Postpaid is set up


The Industry needs to evolve


HI @makkahn28 

for plan, I have no complain, maybe add the $35 or $30 back and it will be perfect. 

I do think PM needs to try to create Better Plans and also greater options

The Less for Less Motto I believe is Really Not the Correct Motto

Plus if PM is to to evolve into a More Premium Tier 1.5- 2.5, They need to really consider dropping the Tier 3 Nonsense

The Landscape for the Telecommunications Industry is changing, and within a few years, things could reaaly use a real shake up


But, The E-Sim has been a constant thorn, If PM Can't fix this, then that sends out Bad vibes


Plus, If PM evolves from Tier 3 to a Tier 1.5 or 2.5, And If E-Sims are to be the Future, adding additional devices would be the Natural Logical Conclusion, But, They need to really focus on the essentials first


Just my Take


Also, the Data Add-Ons does need to Evolve, Not this 30 Day nonsense, But maybe a 90-150 Day Length

Would be at least a fair Usage timeline


Plus, If They bring stuff like Wi-Fi Call, Visual Voicemail, Premium Short Code stuff, More Countries to the Roaming List, In Add-On Format Only, That requires a Stable Network, Plus ensuring that everything is in sync

Even Data Only Plans, if one has a Tablet, that would at least give PPL Options that would make Postpaid shake in their Boots


Also, if PM introduces a Digital Only Version of a Postpaid, Like what the Prepaid is currently, Greater Options to choose from

The Industry needs a serious wakeup Call


Hopefully in the next 3-5 Yrs we're see these Happen


I just feel this Less for Less Motto is Hindering PM's ability to evolve


Mayor / Maire

As already stated, esim cannot wait. The iPhone 15 will be here next month and will not have a physical sim slot. Like it or not (I'm not a fan), esim is the where we're heading.

It's clear to me PM's goal is to acquire as many customers as possible from the other Tier 3's, and maybe even the Tier 2's; they're also trying really hard to increase ARPU dollar by dollar. They know most of us won't use the large data buckets available to us, nor will most of us spend that much time in the US; but these constant plan changes entice us to up our spend for no/minimal additional cost to PM (there seems to be endless amounts of network capacity). PM doesn't seem too interested in the lower tier price points, so I wouldn't expect much in that space. 

True, But, PM has been jumping all over the place, maybe time of Pause to think what is Priority first


E-Sim I think right now, could wait, 5G Also


If they strengthened the 4G LTE Advanced Speed Plans, increased speeds to 150MB, eventually Moving on from the 3G, Perhaps this might help in Strengthening PM's Hand


3G Plans down to 2 Only


If they took the 3G $25 to make a similar, Perhaps a $20 with maybe 2GB or 3GB Data


A $15 with 500MB or 750MB Data with 300 Can-Wide Mins


Just saying, PM needs to first find the right footing for this


Maybe the Unlimited Data and 5G being too early, and that perhaps not the right time right now


E-Sim, I think also perhaps can wait, to give more time to strengthen the PM Network more readily so that less issues instead of a bunch of inquiries that we hear often

Mayor / Maire

HI @makkahn28 

i think eSIM, PM has not choice but it is doing it for the coming new eSIM only iPhone

VoLTE is ok, just the whitelist is short.  But i don't see anything wrong with using 3G voice.  Of course, it would be better if they can bring in more phones to the list

Conditional forward is an issue.  Surprise not too many complaints so far

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