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Freedom: 4GB LTE/Canada $40

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

All things being... unequal, Freedom's offer is on Par with PM's fall Promo. Freedom is now offering 4GB LTE, U/L Canada Wide, U/L Text/message.


If you are in eastern Ontario  (Ottawa, Peterbporough, Kingston) and don't mind the spotty reception, this will be a good deal. LTE in these areas are on the newly acquired Band 4, not 66, so you don't need a new phone.


Freedom Advantage over PM:

-Canada Wide calling

-200+ International calling list with reduced rates (World saver)

-Major cities throughout Canada are "in-zone"

-Device subsidy

-Monthly plan - no need to commit for 90 days

-International roaming

-Relatively low out of zone rates


Freedom Disadvantage over PM:

-Freedom has "Zones"

-Discounts only for multiple lines

-Spotty reception in some areas



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
Study shows Canadians want more wireless competition but had no idea about MVNO battle

Thanks for elaborating, @stonechucker.


Smiley Embarassed Looks like I didn't care too much about the big picture politics when my then research got me to switch to SpeakOut a decade or so ago (best deal for my usage at the time, and closer to the European mobile provider concept I had been used to in the late 1990ies...)

@MoreYummy, that is what I'm trying to say.


But I still want Ting in Canada.

@stonechucker  The canadian mvmo operator failed because the bigger brother isnt working with them, and no help from CRTC.   The big telcos wants them dead anyway for obvious reasons.   

@wetcoaster, yes you are correct, they are mvno operators, but they already existed before the CRTC/the other guys, sided with the big telcos who want them off their networks, as they don't contribute to building and supporting infrastructure.


Ting, which opened their office in Toronto has been fighting for years to be able to operate in Canada, for Canadian subscribers, but the current rules block them.  They are already operating in the US, running on T-Mobile and I believe Sprint, offering great pay as you go, pay what you use offerings.


The pricing is insanely cheap in the US for this service, and the customers have roaming options in Canada (go figure..service fine for Americans in Canada, but not Canadians)


This essentially the reason while SugarMobile failed.  It was a new mvno from the Canadian Far North.  Ice Wireless (I think) has a roaming agreement with Rogers for their subscribers to roam in The rest of Canada, and Ice Wireless created SugarMobile for anyone in Canada, to use VoIP app on wifi mainly, but have sim access to Rogers and Ice Wireless data network wn outside of wifi.

@stonechucker wrote:

I want to see the CRTC / the other one, to allow MVNOs like Ting.  They have great cheap rates/service.  It's a Canadian company too!


@stonechuckerI might not have understood your post properly...

Aren't Speakout and Petrocan Mobile MVNOs on Rodgers' network? And from what I gather Zoomer is one as well.

So, to me it looks like it's not so much what the CRTC allows, but also a matter of viability and market size / market share available?

I want to see the CRTC / the other one, to allow MVNOs like Ting.  They have great cheap rates/service.  It's a Canadian company too!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
Sounds familiar for a lot of FM customers.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
I live and work in the GTA. Had 6GB LTE "for life" with Freedom for $40, would go up to $45 after one year, but I'm glad I switched to Public at $40 for 4 GB LTE.

With Freedom I got weak 3G at home and spotty 3G at work even though their coverage map says I should get LTE. Outside GTA you are lucky to get a signal at all so travel is risky. Good LTE signals in malls with Freedom store though.

FM world saver is ok but I still used long distance calling cards anyway because they are cheaper.

FM GTA network got worse recently in my experience and I lost patience with them.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

There was a $5 off for 12 month promotion.  The $49 plan was $44.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Michael77 Incidentally, Freedom also offers a 6GB plan for $49, which also includes 2,400 minutes talk & u/l text while roaming in Canada AND US (essentially u/l talk and text in North America...I'm still tempted)! But, to go with the spirit of the 4GB for $40 I only mentioned this offer initially.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

In Quebec, Koodo and Fido are offering 6gigs for $49 right now.  Perhaps one day we will see this competition in Ontario?


It will be a game changer once Freedom gets the 700MHz and 2500MHz wireless spectrum.


I agree with the whole one price for all statement. Kind of upsetting seeing koodo in Quebec offer like 5gb for $49. Same with Manitoba and Sask. But thats why I think Freedom needs to be in BC, Alberta and Ontario. So I can technically see Freedom as a regional carrier in a sense 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
I just meant, I want it to service a national customer base, not like freedom that is so fragmented. That's also why I love PM's national model of 1 price for all Canadians, no matter the province.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I like North American. 🙂

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
I'm all for more national competition 🙂

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Shaw/Freedom has over 1 million customers now.  Think what would happen if they get an additional 2 million customers. This would affect the bottom line of the big 3. I think in the short term (1-5 years), to stay competitive, the big 3 would have to lower their prices.  In 5 years from now who knows what will happen........... NAFTA could be changed to include US providers and the big 3 or 4 might have to amalgamate to stay competitive.  I like to dream! 🙂   

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Of course but once they expand and it's the big 4, what do you think will happen. We all hope for cheap prices on a real national network.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

It all depends. It can go up or down.


Freedom/Shaw wants to expand.  Which means the big 3 may have to lower their prices to compete. 


"Shaw plans to go the same route as Videotron, not T-Mobile, the fourth wireless player in the U.S. known for its aggressive promotions, Mehr said. While Shaw would consider going a bit further with deals in order to meet its goals, he added it will be “nowhere near” what T-Mobile has done.Shaw plans to go the same route as Videotron, not T-Mobile, the fourth wireless player in the U.S. known for its aggressive promotions"





Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
And prices will rise accordingly

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I was with Freedom Mobile before and their LTE was really good.  The problem was that they had pockets of areas (in zone) where you couldn't get reception.  Sometimes I could not even make a call because all the circuits were busy.  I would assume in the next one to two years these issues will be resolved and the reception will be just as good as the big three. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Once coverage is better they won't have cheap prices. At least we get a real network here.

Saw on Reddit that Toronto might get band 7 and 13. So if it does things might get interesting

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Isn't the price a 'promo' price and it'll actually increase after a year?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
Yep, probably will head back to wind once coverage is stronger

Hoping same as well.
Freedom mobile network getting stronger and stronger in future it will be much better.
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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

hopefully Public Mobile brings back the competitive plan.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I totally agree! I was hoping that their interpretation of "Eastern" Ontario could be stretched all the way to Windsor, but then my knowledge of geography is limited. I think Freedom could really turn the southern Ontario mobile landscape on its head if they got a "401 Corridor" plan or made the 401 part of their in-zone (nothing against the rest of Canada, you too are important).

Unfortunate that band 4 isnt in the GTA, LTE is expanding to kitchener soon according to the website 

It's a great plan if there's coverage around your area 🙂
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