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Data in the US

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am going to the US and have a Canada US plan with data. Do I need to make changes in settings to get data in the US.


@ulearn  That’s exactly what i would do if i was going going to the U.S. or any other part of the world just get pre  paid SIM card in destination 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Handy1 I have always wondered if you plan to stay longer than say 7 days in the States, would be cheaper to go and get a burner phone for real cheap and use those plans instead?! Maybe, am watching way tooooo many movies and tv shows where people buy a burner phone and use them right away. I am assuming the roaming charges may be more than I use to remember?!

Mayor / Maire

@SDW1  Make sure data roaming is turned on in phone settings and phone set to 4GLTE when in the U.S. and that your connected T mobile or AT&T . If you have issues with voice  set phone on 2G and connect to T mobile 

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